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Topic: Announcing the Star Control expanded lore Wiki (Read 7173 times)
I also think it is pointless. It could cause some confusion though, so I wouldn't call it entirely harmless. Apart from that that, I don't think it has been well thought through, with regard to what material would belong in there and how individual cases get decided. I suppose you can't tell me what would be a better method, though? Just for laughs. I hate negative criticism and exaggerated compliments, the only thing I actually like is constructive criticism. Though yes, just like I've already explained to Lukipela during a short round of PM-ball, it's clear that nobody has both the time and the interest to participate.
Negative criticism, especially when presented in a blunt way (this here is not the best example, but meep-eep has a history of giving too direct negative criticism) will often not have the desired effect, since the receiver will be offended and not bow his head to the truth. (I might even try to defend my position with my last breath, even if I know I'm wrong)
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
I also think it is pointless. It could cause some confusion though, so I wouldn't call it entirely harmless. Apart from that that, I don't think it has been well thought through, with regard to what material would belong in there and how individual cases get decided. I suppose you can't tell me what would be a better method, though? Once details about the story are into place, you can't change the global structure of the story. This means that you need to have a decent global structure set before you can fill out the details. Unless you want to play supreme dictator (which I predict would leave you without underlings), you need some collaborative way to create the global structure. Just documenting the global structure and having everyone change it doesn't work, as everything is a matter of personal taste; you need discussion to come to something which is acceptable to most people. So first of all, you'd need enough people to have a meaningful discussion. If you can't get that, I would consider your project doomed from the start.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Well, it's not a story, first of all, so there's no such thing as a global structure. Most things are independent from each other (which also means that less choice-of-what-material-belongs is required). And yes, if there were enough participants as to have one post per hour (yet not enough lore-makers to have a fast flow of new ideas), then discussing each new addition to the lore would be feasible. Otherwise, we bump into the same inflexibility problem Lukipela was pointing a few posts ago.
EDIT: It all begins to sound like the TimeWarp public plot initiative...
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 09:13:32 pm by Valaggar the Wackrazy One »
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