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Topic: Super Melee Bounty Hunt (Read 3972 times)
EDIT: I can see this idea didn't really take off, so I'm just going to close it down. Look for a proper tournament in the future.
CRIME: Kidnapping Druuge slaves, then subsequently selling captured slaves back to the Druuge on 231 seperate occasions.
REWARD: The Crimson Corporation is offering an ancient artifact. In their words, "Strike down your enemies with bolts of lightning, force the seas to part, even bend the flow of time itself with Wimbli's Trident!" Sounds pretty neat.
STATUS: Active.
CRIME: Broadcasting the image "hello.jpg" from across the galaxy with a stolen hyperwave caster.
REWARD: 500,000 RUs.
STATUS: Active.
CRIME: Ambushing allied trade convoys and covering every ship with VUX limpets.
REWARD: 380,000 RUs. The Zoq-Fot-Pik government has also offered to throw in a lifetime supply of Sugar Poof Breakfast Cereal as well as a free subscription to broadcast channel FFFN (Frungy! Frungy! Frungy! Network).
STATUS: Currently in hiding, whereabouts unknown.
Elvish Pillager
CRIME: Terrorizing rural Syreen villages and abducting their livestock. It is suspected that all livestock is exchanged for Melnorme credits, though the Melnorme deny ever interacting with this fugitive.
REWARD: No monetary reward has been posted, but twelve Syreen fashion models offer to show whoever puts a stop to his activities "good company". Ahem.
STATUS: Active.
It's open season on the above players! Collect a bounty on a criminal by challenging and defeating them in vanilla super melee. You may only attempt to take down each criminal once per day. The above players may not collect bounties on each other. This contest will continue until all of the criminals have been brought to justice.
Time: Whenever Place: #UQM-Arena on irc://
---Game rules---
1) Maximum fleet size of 200 points. 2) Only one of each ship type is allowed in your fleet. 3) You must have your team set up before connecting to another player for melee. Do not adjust your fleet once you've connected to an opponent. 4) Thraddash is barred from play. Connecting to another player with a Thraddash in tow results in an automatic loss. 5) When a player on the wanted list is defeated, they will post who fragged them. Do not take credit for a kill until they give it to you.
Good hunting!
« Last Edit: October 12, 2007, 01:22:03 pm by Shiver »
No takers? Oh well, it's not like there's a deadline! I'm not going to be in #UQM-Arena unless there's a tournament, so this would be a good place to call me (or someone else) out.
Zebranky food

Posts: 30
Why are the thraddash banned?
Why are the thraddash banned?
Between two skilled players, Thraddash causes matches that drag on into infinity because of its very inaccurate but long range blaster. I'm tired of dealing with matches like that.
C. Bob
Zebranky food

Posts: 43
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

 Super stupid idea alert!
*Stamps fail all over this.*
Super stupid idea alert!*Stamps fail all over this.* So says the guy that's banned from all future tournaments. What's it like being the single most annoying person to play against? Get out of my topic, you piece of shit.
What annoys me with some players is that they simply waste time expecting me to chase them from behind, thus putting me in an inferior position (for example vs. Eluder or Torch). I don't chase. They keep running way. The match goes on and on forever.
Eventually I go mad and run my ship into a planet. Yes, that's Amiga Nut here for you.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

First of all: You are wrong about my playing style. It's a simple stupid prejudice based mostly off the fact that I wouldn’t bow to your bossiness. Second: The only reason I flame this thread is because I heartily disapprove of the banning of a ship based on an oafish construct. Third: The only silly tournaments I’m banned from are yours. No big loss since I’ve already created another community. HAHAHAHAHA Fourth: it’s going to be very funny when you see how I get my revenge against you. (laughing last)
First of all: You are wrong about my playing style. It's a simple stupid prejudice based mostly off the fact that I wouldn’t bow to your bossiness. Second: The only reason I flame this thread is because I heartily disapprove of the banning of a ship based on an oafish construct. Third: The only silly tournaments I’m banned from are yours. No big loss since I’ve already created another community. HAHAHAHAHA Fourth: it’s going to be very funny when you see how I get my revenge against you. (laughing last)
Good lord. Isn't there a rule against thread-shitting in General Discussion? Just like your godawful melee playing style--which mulitple players have called you out on already, and you are far too stupid to take a hint for--there is no low you won't stoop to. If you want "revenge", just play me and beat me. Of course that's impossible for you as long as there's a time limit involved.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

Just out of pure interest, what does this even mean? I'm assuming you disapprove of banning the Traddash, but i'm a bit curious as to why. Amiga won't play without his Thraddash because he likes to spend as much time as physically possible griefing people with it as he can get away with.
I'd also be interested in hearing about this second melee community, I thought there was barely enough people around for one...
The moderators really ought to have booted his rude ass out of my thread like yesterday, but I would be interested to know as well. Net Melee has never had a big community, so if he could drag some more people over to Cedric's tournaments (And where IS Cedric?) that would be fantastic.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2007, 07:01:25 am by Shiver »
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