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Author Topic: I'm thinking of doing some new voiceovers..[SPOILER, or at least it will be]  (Read 1731 times)
Zebranky food
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I'm thinking of doing some new voiceovers..[SPOILER, or at least it will be]
« on: September 27, 2007, 04:47:58 pm »

Hey all!

I'm thinking of re-doing some of the voice overs in UQM, and am looking for suggestions as to what to change. One thing I'm thinking of is to make the Orz sound more evil, because I thought they sounded kind of silly.

Any suggestions? I'll post a sample later.


Re: I'm thinking of doing some new voiceovers..[SPOILER, or at least it will be]
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2007, 04:57:41 pm »

There is already such a project, though it aims to change all voices and is temporarily on-halt because Davey Yungblud is at school.
He's finished the Ur-Quan voice (without uploading it, since it needs timestamps too) and maybe the VUX/Yehat (PM him about the latter two, since I'm not sure). I'm not too content with his Ur-Quan, though.

The Utwig already have a new voice, see here (search for "Utwig").

I'm glad that you understand that it's not a good idea to hastily redo all the voice acting, though I don't think the Orz have to sound more evil (they go with the idea of seeming silly, hiding their evilness in this way - see also their silly dialogue. Besides, they're weird, first of all, and not necessarily evil - maybe they just don't know that they're causing suffering to other people - so I think their current voice does the trick.)

In any case, if you want them to sound evil, give them a breathy/whispery deep bass voice with echo/crystallizer. It would work especially well for when they go "Nnnnnngahh!".

You might want to make the VUX (non-ZEX) sound A LOT more annoying/unnerving and less aggressive, as well.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2007, 05:02:12 pm by Valaggar the Wackrazy One » Logged
Zebranky food
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Re: I'm thinking of doing some new voiceovers..[SPOILER, or at least it will be]
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2007, 05:38:16 am »

There is already such a project, though it aims to change all voices and is temporarily on-halt because Davey Yungblud is at school.
He's finished the Ur-Quan voice (without uploading it, since it needs timestamps too) and maybe the VUX/Yehat (PM him about the latter two, since I'm not sure). I'm not too content with his Ur-Quan, though.

The Utwig already have a new voice, see here (search for "Utwig").

I'm glad that you understand that it's not a good idea to hastily redo all the voice acting, though I don't think the Orz have to sound more evil (they go with the idea of seeming silly, hiding their evilness in this way - see also their silly dialogue. Besides, they're weird, first of all, and not necessarily evil - maybe they just don't know that they're causing suffering to other people - so I think their current voice does the trick.)

In any case, if you want them to sound evil, give them a breathy/whispery deep bass voice with echo/crystallizer. It would work especially well for when they go "Nnnnnngahh!".

You might want to make the VUX (non-ZEX) sound A LOT more annoying/unnerving and less aggressive, as well.

Actually, TFB said that they wanted the Orz to seem scarier.

Quote from: TFB
: Were there any interesting plot lines that were left out of the final product?

The first one that comes to mind is that we wanted the Orz to be much scarier and if you ever took them into Quasi-space with you bad things would happen. We really wanted them to creep you out so that you were never sure whether or not it was a good idea to be allied with them.
Here's the interview.

I want to try and make the Orz seem really mellow.. It can be very creepy when talking about things like exterminating a race nonchalantly.

Maybe for "Ngggngh" could be deep, sort of like when they launch marines.

I'm close to getting the Ur-Quan voice down, but my mic is broken...  Sad

BTW: I'm not sure that I liked the new Utwig voices. They just don't seem depressed enough.  Cheesy But technically speeking, they were very good.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2007, 05:43:10 am by Huwawa » Logged

Re: I'm thinking of doing some new voiceovers..[SPOILER, or at least it will be]
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2007, 02:09:16 pm »

BTW: I'm not sure that I liked the new Utwig voices. They just don't seem depressed enough.  Cheesy But technically speeking, they were very good.
Pre-Ultron, they really could be more depressed. Post-Ultron, they're fine. I have to disagree with you on the "technical" part, however. The voice acting is good, but the production is defective in places (be careful to use a good microphone for your project!).

Actually, TFB said that they wanted the Orz to seem scarier.

Quote from: TFB
: Were there any interesting plot lines that were left out of the final product?

The first one that comes to mind is that we wanted the Orz to be much scarier and if you ever took them into Quasi-space with you bad things would happen. We really wanted them to creep you out so that you were never sure whether or not it was a good idea to be allied with them.
It's not an interview, it's a collection of mails. In any case, Paul just said that they have to act creepy when you take them into QuasiSpace (since it's the home dimension of their arch-nemeses, the Arilou Lalee'lay, so it's only reasonable that they get even more "Nnnnnngahh!" than when you ask them about the Androsynth); he said nothing about the voice itself, and, after all, he could have simply made it more creepy if he so wanted (their current voice doesn't even try that).

Besides, creepiness doesn't really fit the image of green party fishies.
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