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Topic: The VUX and the KKK (Read 5536 times)
It has just occurred to me that the VUX seem to be quite a reference to the Ku Klux Klan: a group of bigots that wants to kill the members of other races for their ugliness/inferiority, and the name of both of them is actually a group of three initials. Of course, their clothing resembles the Utwig more... but so does it resemble the clothing of an executioner (particularly the masks).
I meant the KKK taken as an independent organization/pseudo-state. The Apartheid was an oppression of the government against persons that were already under its jurisdiction, unlike what happens between VUX and Humans/Syreen/Androsynth/pretty much everyone.
I wonder why all VUX names are made of three initials. ZEX. ZOMG Exaggerated Xenophile? DAX - Daddy And Xenophile? PIF. Program Information File?
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
I meant the KKK taken as an independent organization/pseudo-state.
Maybe so, but even if you view the KKK as only an organization it was one based on secrecy and guise. The KKK didn't actively march in the streets and kill every black they could get their hand on.
The Apartheid was an oppression of the government against persons that were already under its jurisdiction, unlike what happens between VUX and Humans/Syreen/Androsynth/pretty much everyone.
Oh that's right, I forgot that the was on organization that KKK took action purely against people who weren't citizens of their country, but rather foreigners. none of the organizations are going to fit the shoe perfectly, but I'd still tasy that the Apartheid propaganda, openness and brutality against black citizens is a better simile than the KKK's policy of secret intimidation and retribution against black citizens.
EDIT: meep chiilout and relax. It oculd be worse. If you think of it, the Crusades were pretty much like the VUX too. Aggressively attacking memebres of a foreign civilization based on xenophobia, racism and deranged religiosity.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2007, 06:37:14 pm by Lukipela »
What's up doc?
It has just occurred to me that the VUX seem to be quite a reference to the Ku Klux Klan: a group of bigots that wants to kill the members of other races for their ugliness/inferiority, and the name of both of them is actually a group of three initials. Of course, their clothing resembles the Utwig more... but so does it resemble the clothing of an executioner (particularly the masks). *Banging head against his desk repeatedly* *Hitting the screen with a hammer in the general direction of the thread's title* Sometimes I store my thread ideas in a text file and delete them when I realize that they're just attempts of, err, how should I call it, "expanding the lore". And sometimes I don't. Of course, the VUX are actually inspired by bigots in general, but what struck me was primarily the three-capital-letters name.
Ah, and I think that the name "New World Order" is actually inspired by my nickname (whose initials are VWO, and V is a sort of N in reverse).
[switching the points]
I'm still wondering why do the VUX have names made of three capitals. Maybe their entire language is like that? Why are words in all-caps? Are letters actually a sort of morphemes?
EDIT: Oh my... my poor LCD... what have I done!?
« Last Edit: October 11, 2007, 06:57:43 pm by Valaggar the Wackrazy One »
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
It's not as secret as you make it out to be. As someone who's lived in the southern US, they are known to still stage rallies/marches in public. These idiots often choose inflammatory days for such events, such as Martin Luther King, Jr Day.
They don't really lynch people or inspire terror the same way they used to though. Now they're just racist bigots out making noise and occasional harm. Back in the day, everyone knew about the clan, but no one knew who was in it. By secret I didn't mean that they appeared, lynched someone and vanished like ninjas leaving people standing around asking "Well I wonder what that was". They were everywhere, knew everything about you, but you didn't know how they were. Any white person you opened your mouth to might be part of the clan, or a sympathiser.
Personally, it amazes me this sort of nonsense still goes on. Before living in the south, I had always thought this sort of stuff only existed in the video archives from the 1960s. Sadly, it does not. To be sure, the world is indeed an imperfect place.
Old habits die hard. There are still a lot of people around who grew up in a very different US. And some will pass that on to a new generation anxious to find something to blame for anything and everything.
What's up doc?
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
EDIT: meep chiilout and relax. It oculd be worse. If you think of it, the Crusades were pretty much like the VUX too. Aggressively attacking memebres of a foreign civilization based on xenophobia, racism and deranged religiosity. Am I really the only only getting a feeling of desperation about the state of humanity when yet again someone makes an inane remark like Valaggar did regarding the three-letter abbreviations AND ISN'T JOKING?
I don't know why I haven't already given up trying to get some sense into you, but Valaggar: To make an allusion to something, you take some characteristic properties, and work with those. You do not take some random similarity which is shared with mountains of different things, like "having three capital letters".
The other argument isn't very convincing either. Sure, like the KKK, the VUX are bigoted (although it doesn't look like they're actively persecuting the humans (let alone other species)), but you'll find bigots anywhere in the world where there is some significant conflict. The Russians have done their share of persecutions, and "KGB" has three capital letters. And the middle east you've got the "PLO" aiming to wipe Israel of the face of the Earth. You've got the "IRA" vs. the Catholics. And I'm sure I could think up plenty more given more time. And then you could look at other groups which may not have three letters in their names, but have something else in common with the VUX. Maybe the colour of their uniforms, the shape of their insignia, the design of their bridge, or just their manner of speech? Where do you even get the impression that the VUX are a reference to anything at all? Just because there are other groups IRL which are bigots?
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
EDIT: meep chiilout and relax. It oculd be worse. If you think of it, the Crusades were pretty much like the VUX too. Aggressively attacking memebres of a foreign civilization based on xenophobia, racism and deranged religiosity. Am I really the only only getting a feeling of desperation about the state of humanity when yet again someone makes an inane remark like Valaggar did regarding the three-letter abbreviations AND ISN'T JOKING? I'm not that sure about the last three words. I wasn't joking, but I didn't really mean it either. It was just a very liberal (to use an euphemism) use of the word "reference", by which I actually rather meant that they... erm... are similar to the KKK. Plus, I was at a shortage of decent thread ideas.
Besides, I'm not sure if you have read Reply #5.
And yes, I am a bit worried as well about the state of humanity (and my mental state in particular).
Also, you aren't going to get any sense in me. Accept it. I'm simply too arrogant to accept my faults, so I use every silly argument I can think of to cover my mistakes.
And in any case, I'm only 3 years old, so wat do u espect?
I think you may be taking this a tad more seriously than Valaggar meep. QFT.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2007, 09:34:03 pm by Valaggar the Wackrazy One »
Yes, the VUX are reminisent of your typical racist but the KKK did not invent bigotry. Valaggar, you're an idiot.
Posts: 520

Hmm, this thread is kinda like the Spanish inquisition, you guys are almost acting like Hitlers! What's next, banning people and sending them to the Gulags? Oh I bet some mod or admin is watching this on his Orwellian view screen and is about to dispatch a squad of his Conquistadors in an attempt to indoctrinate me and destroy my important addition to our cultural heritage. This forum is starting to reek of fascism already now when I think about it!
But yeah... a silly and inane comparison it is. Not quite warranting a self inflicted destruction of brain cells through kinetic oscillations of the top mounted sensory nodule though. Hey, that sounded pretty smart! It's almost like I'm Einstein and Hawking combined.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2007, 07:45:21 am by Arne »
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