Hi I'm trying to add planet textures for a game I'm making. How are they generated in Urquan Masters? What I would like is to get the 2d images of the planets and then wrap them around an opengl sphere. Any advice on how to go about this?
I can maybe help you out here. The thing I would do in this case is image map a sphere and then bake the craters and detail onto the object. You would then have images with the polar scaling intact and ready for use as you said. I could whip up a few in Lightwave. The 3DO image maps have this effect but they were really low quality. I suppose you could use them, but I'm thinking why? Also, is color the only map you’re doing? Do you want bump maps as well?
Here's one I prepared earlier! This is an auric moon lit from one direction only. (Cylindrical image map for a sphere)
thanks novus. I guess all planet textures are generated by code on the fly. Very cool.
I haven't figured out how I'll do it yet. Perhaps I'll do something silimar but more simple. My original thought was that they were all textures that had been photoshoped, but I guess space was an issue when sc2 was made and code took up a lot less of it.
I wanted originally a bunch of jpg/png images that I could just call up as resources. but this can also be quite cool.