Topic: Concerning Thraddash and net melee (Read 22366 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 175

That wouldn't solve the problem at all. Oh, OK, that settles it then.
No, wait, it doesn't. Care to explain your position?
- if you implement "Flee in Super Melee" in the most naive way, the game will sometimes end before all the ships have been used up, or mess up and give a player a ship selection dialog when that player has no ships left to pick. Not sure how to work around this. Umm, is fixing the code an option? If it is, it seems like a good one.
- fleeing in the full game leaves the ship that has escaped with its damage, while extra coding effort would be required to avoid giving a free heal in Super Melee.
You + reading comprehension =
"I’m not a robot like you. I don’t like having disks crammed into me… unless they’re Oreos, and then only in the mouth." --Fry
Think about putting two Mycon together. I've never seen anyone allow this match-up to occur, even as a joke. That said, I bet it wouldn't really go on forever. If both Mycons do a gravity whip, I can easily see one of them getting knocked off their course by an asteroid and then ending up dead very quickly afterwards.
Or what about a Pkunk ship that happens to regenerate a lot against a slow ship? You'd end up with boring games and, in the case of the Pkunk, an unbeatable ship. Uh, no. I've never seen a bad match-up that was caused by Pkunk, even with mega-spawning. In comparison to Arilou, Pkunk is not that bad. If Pkunk is up against Chmmr or something, it just dies almost instantly.
In the end, your options are stick it out or forfeit. I think having a timer on the battles to force an escape, re-select ships would be a good thing to implement. If both players are down to one ship each, then call it a stalemate.
I advocated this before netplay even came out, but now I see that it's not a great idea. Why? Because no good player is going to allow a ship they countered to get away just because it's running around a whole lot. Allowing stalemates to occur would encourage people to fly their fast ship away from anything it can't beat (Arilou vs Chmmr?) and insist that the other player greenlight their absurd idea of gameplay.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2007, 10:52:50 pm by Shiver »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 382

... Instead of chosing a bonus for yourself you could also chose to apply a penalty to the opponent.
Depending on what kind of penalties there are and how balanced they are, picking them for another person could be disastrous. I'd rather pick the penalty for myself than leave the choice up to my opponent.
Another way of picking penalties/bonusses then could be a "random" one, much like the battle arena in Final Fantasy 7. After each battle, you have to hit a button to select a penalty from a quasi-random pool. A similar system might work here, perhaps even a combo of both. In the background, a coin is flipped to decide whether someone receives a bonus or a penalty, and with the press of a button, the player stops a "wheel of fortune" (lame comparison I know) which decides which bonus/penalty the ship gets.
Another idea might be to have a sudden death mode where the planet turns into a black hole and starts sucking in the rest of space, decreasing the size of the arena (leaving the gravity for the ships intact for the sake of gameplay). Anyone who hits the black hole first (or has his/her crew reduced to 0) loses.
Oh, before someone drops the "Great, let me know when you have the code for it" on me, I'm just brainstorming here. I have no intention of creating it myself (unless I get struck by lightning and suddenly know how to C). If you need me for something else that someone non-programmy, non-graphical-designy can do, I'm game.
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Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Or, you know, implement running away, like Nic said.
Haven't seen anything substantial against that idea.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 111

I like the running away idea. and i think the ship speed should determine how long it takes.
Or, you know, implement running away, like Nic said.
Haven't seen anything substantial against that idea.
The inevitability of Arilou, Pkunk and Slylandro fleeing from pretty much anything they don't want to deal with should be enough reason not to allow that feature. Here's another argument against it: Re-usable VUX. Get the drop on something, run to the other side of the map while dumping limpets, retreat from combat and repeat.