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Author Topic: Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are working  (Read 7010 times)

Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are working
« on: January 10, 2003, 05:26:15 am »

I currently dont own the PC version of SC2, so I use my 3DO, I'm probably the only person in the world who still uses mine, but on the subj, does anyone know any cheats for this game at all?!?  
Zebranky food
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Re: Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are workin
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2003, 05:50:17 am »

Lol, I'm a bad reader apparently. ^^  Sorry, no idea about 3DO.  It's easy to cheat in any of the versions that run on pc, though.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2003, 06:01:30 am by sun » Logged
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Re: Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are workin
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2003, 02:27:17 pm »

I believe there was a thread were *I* tackled this one :;action=display;num=1039854489;start=2

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Re: Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are workin
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2003, 01:45:40 am »

Sry Azarule, didnt work, i dont know if its a joke or not, but dont be a jerk, i'm just a newb
Justin Chang

Re: Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are workin
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2003, 04:51:55 am »

>:(you vile, slimy, fly ridden mass of decomposing intestines!  Do you have any work ethic AT ALL.  cheats and cheaters disgust me!  Angry Do you have ANYTHING better than to cheat your way through the BEST GAME EVER DEVISED!!?? Angry Angry Angry  why on earth would you WANT to cheat in this game or in any game at all!?!?!?!!?  Cheats and hacks DEFILE  Angry games, taking away their purpose! WHYYYYYYYYY!!!!  

P.S. please don't take this personally, I rant and rave often, but I have a strong sence of morality.  
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Re: Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are workin
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2003, 05:22:30 am »

for me personally, cheating takes all the fun out of playing a game.  it's like trying to chop wood without lifting an axe.  or turning on the TV without actually pushing a button.

there are very few games where fun is had without a little bit of elbow grease.

however, to answer your question, i do not believe that any cheats exist for the 3DO version of the game.  if there were any, i'm fairly certain that friends of mine who have 3DOs and played the game religiously would know about them and they can't think of any either.

-= george =-
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Another tactic
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2003, 01:13:19 am »

Perhaps a better tactic would be to ask someone up here if you're having trouble.  If there's something you can't figure out, let us know, and we'd be happy to guide you through it as best we can.  That should be better than cheats, I should think...
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Re: Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are workin
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2003, 05:16:43 pm »

for me personally, cheating takes all the fun out of playing a game.  it's like trying to chop wood without lifting an axe.  or turning on the TV without actually pushing a button.

I had no idea that the fun part of watching TV was turning it on by pushing a button! I always thought it was the actual shows on it...

As to the chopping of wood... what if you don't want the rugged lumberjack thing, but it's just really cold in the cabin and you want to get a fire going ASAP? Wouldn't a way to have it done quickly with no effort be appealing then?

Same thing with games - let's say you want to play SC2 again after a while - is it DEFILING the game (as one ranter put it) to just forego the damn mineral hunt (which is fun when you play it the first time, but gets old once the story gets going), build up your ship and head off to explore the galaxy?

Justin Chang: Get off your high horse, if you feel you have to have strong opinions on something that warrant constant allcaps screaming, why not form an opinion on something that actually matters and can be objectively verified, not some silly Moral Code of Playing Computer Games you dreamt up.
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Re: Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are workin
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2003, 07:09:25 pm »

I still play SC2 on my 3DO Smiley

I don't know of any cheats for it though.  :-/

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Re: Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are workin
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2003, 05:51:59 am »

hey, whats your problem, who cares about cheating the game if you already beat it three times. And if you dont have anything to say regarding cheat codes, stop taking up space. You're just being an ignorant jerk
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Re: Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are workin
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2003, 10:14:35 am »

lets not get so worked up here. cheating has its good and bad points.

before i cheat (and yes i sometimes do) i do manage to complete most, if not all of the game im playing. after all the programers went thru all trouble to make a game why not stick it out and enjoy there work.
but somtimes there are points in a game that are either super hard or poor design: example: final fantasy 8 summon boost, where you have to tap one button several times to increase the power of the summon, fun but it kills the finger. so this is where i insert the cheat(255 in one button push). thats one side of cheating to over come poor game design.
then theres blatent, im not gonna do the work, cheating: (one fight for one level) that only hurts yourself cause you miss out on any accomplishments and pats on the back for a job(game) well done.
to make a long story short, enjoy this game for the first, second, hundreth time, as it is. its just that good =] IMHO
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Re: Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are workin
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2003, 04:05:37 pm »

Just a quick point about behaviour here where the emotions go high.

Personally, I think one of the most blatantly stupid thing you can do is go off on a rant about how someone is vile, slimy and horrible, and then end it of with something like "Don't take it personally". How then, is it supposed to be taken? That's the worst kind of lazyness, like saying "No offense, but you're stupid" or some such. No offense? Then why say ii at all? If you don't mean something like that to be taken personal, then what in the name of God is the point of screaming it at all??? In real life, these things sometimes happen, because you get emotional. However, this is a board. You don't have to write your reply, immediatley, you have time to think before you answer.

Try it.

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Re: Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are workin
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2003, 09:24:53 pm »

i have samurai showdown emulated for both the sega and the snes. i dont know if the emu of this game is slow or actually is, but every time theres a ending move the game sputters for a couple secs then returns to normal. but only when delivering the finishing blow the rest of the fight is fast and fur... you get the idea. let me know and ill point you in the right direction to pick up these items.
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Re: Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are workin
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2003, 02:30:08 am »

I don't know about 3DO cheats, but for the computer version you should just download some real-time memory editor such as Game Wizard or ArtMoney (freeware).

And about cheating - I support me cheating 100% because I already finished the game without any, and now it's just fun kickin' a** Wink
but you ("you" in general) should really try playing without if it's your first time, it's actually an easy game once you pass the first two mineral round-ups and find two rainbow worlds..

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Re: Any Cheats in the 3DO version? NONE are workin
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2003, 02:42:39 am »

>:(you vile, slimy, fly ridden mass of decomposing intestines!  Do you have any work ethic AT ALL.  cheats and cheaters disgust me!  Angry Do you have ANYTHING better than to cheat your way through the BEST GAME EVER DEVISED!!?? Angry Angry Angry  why on earth would you WANT to cheat in this game or in any game at all!?!?!?!!?  Cheats and hacks DEFILE  Angry games, taking away their purpose! WHYYYYYYYYY!!!!  

P.S. please don't take this personally, I rant and rave often, but I have a strong sence of morality.  

Hehe, I read this and just laughed.  Some people can really be intolerant.  I just hope that indecent and inconsiderate attitude doesn't get you into too much trouble some day, lol.

I don't think you should just go ahead and pass judgement like that.  I mean, I know a lot of people who say they don't want to cheat in games, and then they go ahead and use the lander "cheat" and max out their RUs to infinity and beyond.  And then some people just use the cheats for fun and people 'razz them for that.  I sometimes use cheats to push the limits of a game.  I understand why you wouldn't want to use cheats in your own game, but do you hafta go and offend people so bluntly and accuse them of things like that?  Doesn't seem fair.  Cheats can be fun for the people who like to use them, and to me the point of the game is to have fun.  If people wanna have it that way, what right do you have to try and stop them?

Sorry, some people need to learn some tolerance, even if you are offended by something like that.

BTW - Hehe. Nice name, TC.  TenaciousC is a sweet reference to the world's greatest band Wink

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