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Question: How did you find out about uqm?
From a friend.   -4 (12.1%)
I played SC2 before uqm.   -18 (54.5%)
StumbleUpon, or something similar   -1 (3%)
I played SC1 or SC3 before SC2 or uqm   -8 (24.2%)
I hit "random page" on Wikipedia   -0 (0%)
Other   -2 (6.1%)
Total Voters: 31

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How did you find out about uqm?
« on: November 17, 2007, 04:20:17 am »

Someone probably already made a topic about this, but I'm too lazy to find and grave dig it.  Nonetheless, I would still like you to vote.  If you vote "other", tell me how you found it. thanks!  Smiley
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Re: How did you find out about uqm?
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2007, 12:28:18 pm »

From the Linux Game Tome (, or a similar site - I don't recall exactly.

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Re: How did you find out about uqm?
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2007, 04:51:35 am »

I had StarCon 2 back in the old DOS days.... actually, I still have the Disk for PC. My only regret is that I misplaced the original map that came with it with all the stars of interest indicated on it. I have yet to find a map on the net that was as simple and effective as the original.

Then a few years ago... I wanted to play Sc2 again, I even had it running on DOS Box before UQM showed up. But with the speech packs and 3DO videos, UQM caught my interest more than the original.
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Re: How did you find out about uqm?
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2007, 08:18:55 am »

My only regret is that I misplaced the original map that came with it with all the stars of interest indicated on it. I have yet to find a map on the net that was as simple and effective as the original.

You mean this?
« Last Edit: November 18, 2007, 08:23:50 am by alephresh » Logged

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Re: How did you find out about uqm?
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2007, 08:36:49 am »

I played Star Control 2 first, and those times (sorry for the cliché expression) I searched Google for "star control 2 fansite." This site wasn't there yet, but, what did I find, when I returned years later? UQM.
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Re: How did you find out about uqm?
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2007, 04:42:18 pm »

I don't remember-it was a long time ago.

What I do remember was that UQM 0.4.0 was the latest version at the time, and that I may have heard of the project earlier, but shied away because I thought that, being a remake, it would have significantly altered some of the game mechanics, graphics, etc. like other remakes do.

Well, I gave it a shot, and soon I was kicking myself for never playing this game earlier. It soon managed to edge out the likes of Magic Carpet 2, System Shock 2, and Deus Ex as my personal greatest game of all time, and that is no small feat.

Sure enough, I had embraced everything about the game and became yet another member of the fanbase, plotting to do things like take over the world with Fwiffo plushies(which I still need to do), ravage everyone's eyes with glowy bits, make emo people wear masks and robes, and other sorts of crazy things.
Dancing Fungus
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Re: How did you find out about uqm?
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2007, 09:44:32 pm »

I found UQM through a combination of random events. I first found Starcon-sort-of3 and thought it was amusing enough to look for the prequels. I couldn't find them any where [except for dos-based versions which I don't plan on messing with] until I found UQM, which I found through the Ultranomicon. When I first played SC2, I was amazed at how much better it was than its supposed sequel.

Oh, and about plush Fwiffos, I think an Ur-Quan beanie baby would be really funny. A children's show featuring an Orz and an Umgah would be even funnier, especially if the Orz would stomp around in its combat suit every other episode. Then there could be an Orz action figure.
As you can see, I could go on about this stuff forever.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2007, 09:50:12 pm by Dancing Fungus » Logged

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Re: How did you find out about uqm?
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2007, 05:07:53 am »

My only regret is that I misplaced the original map that came with it with all the stars of interest indicated on it. I have yet to find a map on the net that was as simple and effective as the original.

You mean this?

no... the original on paper had all the sites of interest marked differently. normal stars were just circles, stars that had interest in it (like artifacts, rainbow worlds or home worlds) had lines around the circle like a sun. The map was only black and white.

Came in handy to look at while in-game... It was the size of a poster.
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Re: How did you find out about uqm?
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2007, 07:34:17 am »

no... the original on paper had all the sites of interest marked differently. normal stars were just circles, stars that had interest in it (like artifacts, rainbow worlds or home worlds) had lines around the circle like a sun. The map was only black and white.

Oh, so I guess the other one is 3DO's or something. I'm not much of a Star Control historian... Tongue

Wait, it showed where the rainbow worlds were? I thought that was meant to be secret. Shocked

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Re: How did you find out about uqm?
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2007, 03:40:00 pm »

no... the original on paper had all the sites of interest marked differently. normal stars were just circles, stars that had interest in it (like artifacts, rainbow worlds or home worlds) had lines around the circle like a sun. The map was only black and white.

Came in handy to look at while in-game... It was the size of a poster.
That's not the original map, that's the "Deluxe Map of HyperSpace", included with the hint book and Star Control Collection. In any case, the PoNaF SC2 files section has what you need and more.

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Re: How did you find out about uqm?
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2007, 05:17:55 pm »

Heh, I don't see an option of "I migrated from the Pages of Now and Forever."

I wonder what the percentage of curmodgons to youngins would look like, curmodgon defined as someone who played SC1, SC2, hated SC3, congrigated on the PoNaF and got excited at the announcement that the code had been released.

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Re: How did you find out about uqm?
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2007, 05:31:40 pm »

I still have my old (now corrupted) bunch of disks for SC2 lying around. Back when I was in high school, there was a group of us who were totally hooked on the game. Sadly, my disks (as well as Windows' ability to run them correctly) conked out around 2001 or so, and since then I had been fruitlessly trying to get the game to run again until a friend told me about Abandonia. The blurb about SC2 there linked to this site, and I came to check out UQM for the first time mere days after v0.4 was released (which was the first version, as I understand, that was playable from start to finish; a happy coincidence, to be sure).

Why didn't I search the net for SC2 earlier? An excellent question, and one that I can't think of a satisfactory answer for.

SC2 was actually the first Starcon game that I actually played. It inspired my friends and I to try to hunt down a copy of the original, which we also played for a bit. While I had a great deal of appreciation for the additional backstory presented in the SC1 manual, I really didn't care for the actual game all that much. Of course, a few years later I played SCn3 from start to finish, and came away pretty underwhelmed, but that seems to be pretty universal for those who played SC2 first.

It's worth mentioning that even now, 15 years later, SC2 remains situated in my Top 20 games, if not Top 10. If only more games got it right in the way that SC2 did.
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Re: How did you find out about uqm?
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2007, 03:33:26 am »

That's not the original map, that's the "Deluxe Map of HyperSpace", included with the hint book and Star Control Collection. In any case, the PoNaF SC2 files section has what you need and more.

I guess that's what it was... but I didn't get the hint book, only the map. I still have the cd, might even have the Star Control Collection box somewheres, I'd have to look around for it.
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Re: How did you find out about uqm?
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2007, 08:50:48 pm »

I was fairly young when my brother introduced me to the game.  I played SC2, and I tried to play SC1 but couldn't figure out the rotating starmap.

I actually still have SC1 in a box somewhere.  I should play it.
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Re: How did you find out about uqm?
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2007, 01:17:55 am »

I used to play SC2 back when it ame out. A few years back I was experimenting
with DOS emulation (DOSbox, DOSemi) and went looking for a copy
of SC2 on-line. I stumbled across the UQM website and was thrilled.

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