That is very bad code. Something which should not be imitated and which we intend to remove from the UQM code in time.
Basically, the "AlienFrame" field, which has type "FRAME" (which through these typedefs is a "struct frame_desc *"), is abused to store something of a different type ("RESOURCE", which is a 32 bits integer). I assume that lateron this resource idenitifier is used to load the actual "frame_desc", which is then put in the field.
This sort of thing yields unreadable code, and can introduce bugs (what if the type of the stored data takes up more space than fits in the field?), especially when porting to different platforms where the sizes of the types may be different.
A better way to reuse the same space for storing two different things would be to use a union of the two types for the field.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”