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Topic: Remaking the ships in flash (Read 3055 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 5
I'm starting a project to start making the ships in flash. I don't know why, so don't ask, but I figured I'd share. Though I do have some leftover code I wrote to handle ship motion, projectiles, and collisions... maybe they'll get put to good use at some point.
Regardless, I give you - the shofixti!
Also, anyone know how to embed flash files in these posts? Or even if you can?
« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 09:12:19 am by Griffin »
Frungy champion
Posts: 69

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Heeeey this is pretty darn cool.
Considering I don't know much about flash, how feasible would an UQM "port" to flash be? (ok, "port" is the WRONG word, let's call it "rewrite").
Is the concept of saving game possible with flash? Also, is flash multi-player feasible? I.e. opening a socket to a flash app running on another computer.
UQM on WII? That'd be really cool.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2007, 06:00:23 pm by ptx »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 111

I agree. uqm on wii would be awesome, and someone figured out how to use the wii buttons to do stuff with. i saw one game that is two players using two wiimotes on the same console, where you held the remote sideways and used the same controls as uqm, up(right) is thrust, left and right (up and down) is turn, 1 is fire, and A is missile. I think it would be pretty feasible to do the melee from uqm or even sc1 full game on the wii through flash. if anyone is interested in the game i mentioned, tell me, and ill post a link. (im too lazy to fire up the wii right now)
Zebranky food

Posts: 5
Well, while remaking the game itself would be a huge project...
just making a flash version of the multiplayer honestly wouldn't be, and it's all stuff I should be doing anyways. Actionscript is more than capable of the task.
Honestly, some part of me is hoping I can free up enough time to work on because I've been wanting to make a space shooter for a while now - why not a UQM based fan game?
But I certainly wouldn't count on it.. I will at least finish up a couple more ships though!
For now, I've tried my hand at the Slylandro probe. Because Obviously I'm sort of masochist, what with my picking the only ship with 3 dimensional movement. But I think I managed to fake it pretty convincingly, and I appreciate for more those who built the original (which is still better than mine). The mechanics of that motion on a 2d plane is difficult! Especially since the parts move WITHOUT rotating... the ship doesn't spin, just the bar does. Everything stays perfectly free of angular momentum!
Hopefully future ships will both look better and be easier to construct.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2007, 12:05:05 pm by Griffin »
Posts: 520

Just plug a pixel image into this:
Maybe it's a good idea to first scale using HQ3x or manually scale up and smoothen.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 12:41:51 pm by Arne »
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