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Topic: Star Control II fact #6 - Small trivia (Read 8633 times)
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
As this is my 2000th posting (thanks to Cedric6014 for pointing this out), I thought I'd make another "Star Control II fact" posting.
It's been quite a while since I last made such a posting, and one of the reasons for that is that we now have the Ultronomicon. Some interesting facts that I've learned from my work with the UQM sources, I have put there. This page on minerals for instance, I originally intended to be a "SC2 fact".
But I still have maintained a list of interesting facts which you might be interested in, some large, some small. The large ones I will probably place in the Ultronomicon at some point, but in this posting, I will list some of the smaller ones.
- There was an outtake accidentally left in the original speech for the Druuge. It can still be found here. "Oops... take 3".
- Each Auto-Tracking System (to a maximum of 3) you have installed on your flagship increases the energy usage of firing by one unit. This is independant of the number and the type of weapons you have installed.
- To be able to sell the coordinates of a Rainbow world to the Melnorme, you must have orbited that Rainbow world. It is not necessary to make any scans.
- There are three classes of worlds: small rocky worlds, large rocky worlds, and gas giants. Small rocky worlds never have any moons. Large rocky worlds may have no moons (193/256 chance; about 75%), a single moon (51/256 chance; about 20%), or two moons (12/256 chance; about 5%). Gas giants may have no moon (27/256 chance; about 10%), a single moon (38/256 chance; about 15%), two moons (64/256 chance; 25%), 3 moons (64/256 chance; about 25%), or 4 moons (63/256 chance; about 25%). Moons themselves are always small rocky worlds.
- Small rocky worlds are Oolite, Yttric, Quasi-Degenerate, Lanthanide, Treasure, Urea, Metal, Radioactive, Opalescent, Cyanic, Acid, Alkali, Halide, Green, Copper, Carbide, Ultramarine, Noble, Azure, Chondrite, Purple, Super-Dense, Pellucid, Dust, Crimson, Cimmerian, Infrared, Selenic, and Auric worlds.
- Large rocky worlds are Fluorescent, Ultraviolet, Plutonic, Rainbow, Shattered, Sapphire, Organic, Xenolithic, Redux, Primordial, Emerald, Chlorine, Magnetic, Water, Telluric, Hydrocarbon, Iodine, Vinylogous, Ruby, Magma, and Maroon worlds.
- The dialog may not tell us which one is the Zoq, the Fot, or the Pik, but the code assigns them the labels Zoq, Fot, and Pik from left to right.
- There is text and speech for selling precursor artifacts to the Melnorme, but they are not used in the game.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
*Smell* controller
Posts: 304
A paranoid android.
Interesting. I don't think I have ever seen Charon Dust in all the times I've played SC2.
Moons themselves are always small rocky worlds. ...with the only exception of Neptune's moon Triton, which is a Vinylogous World, classified as a large rocky world (remember its unusual size in the interplanetary screen?). As far as I know, Sol is the only manually-generated system in the game, so some rules may be broken there... We might be on to something here when it comes to mods for UQM.
Anyone want to make the First Doctrinal Conflict? Or how things were before the Ur-Quan Assault (less slave shielded worlds and Syra before it shattered). Hell, a mod that replicates the events of SC1, but in SC2 form. Though, what would have to be the flagship?
Hmm... Well, at least a "Before Hell broke loose" scenario can probably be done, or more manually created star systems can be made. Or for more of a challenge, develop a mod that has every star system (except Rainbow systems, story-based systems, and home-systems (especially including Sol and Delta Crateris)) totally random everytime you load up a new game. Even planet randomizers if random systems could get too complicated.
Of course, the randomizers would have to co-relate to the star color and size.
Or how about this silly idea? Treasure hunting. With randomizing, there's a single system (or a select few) that has a system consisting entirely of Rainbow Worlds (The King of Cosmos live there mayhaps?). And not to forget, the rainbow worlds are a little more friendly to your landers (though less providing than actual RWs), but Melnormes also can pay you a bundle for the location (again, may seem like too much work.).
Excuse me if I sound like a person that just requests and doesn't do anything else. I'm beginning to learn programming, but alas, I don't think I could be of much help modding. But hey, at least the idea is out there right?
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