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Topic: Story line (Read 2396 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
and Hello again ..
2 questions, sorry if it allready was asked ..
1. Are Fred Ford and Paul Reiche III help with source code and other help ? I think - yes .. Then second question
2. We know - very much quests, like a Rainbow Worls quest, not finished in original StarControl 2, because Fred Ford and Paul Reiche don't have enought time and it was released with many unfinished stories  but it was in 1992 ! now is 2007 (already 2008) !!!! You Re-Release SC2 and Fred Ford and Paul Reiche help u .. ( ) Then may be it is chanse to finish all stories and quests, which was not accomplish in 1992 ??
i know, we can't put all in game, what we want and all our fantasy.... but may be add to game all ideas of 1990-92 year  that can be FANTASTIC
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
1. I read some of chats with Fred Ford and Paul Reiche, and there was string "we don't have enought time, too finish all our stories in SC2"
2. Yes, we have source and can write "missing" elements, but i (and i hope other) want "missing elements" from Fred Ford and Paul Reiche , not from me or some body else ))
« Last Edit: December 19, 2007, 02:49:47 pm by Den-R »
Valaggar Redux
1. I read some of chats with Fred Ford and Paul Reiche, and there was string "we don't have enought time, too finish all our stories in SC2"
This is not true. They have not said this in any of the IRC chats. They have not said this in any e-mails or board posts. What they have said is this:
{{IRC1998}} <Mharr> We were just asking when you turned up - Are there any Star Control easter eggs? <Fwiffo> No easter eggs. We were trying to get a conversation with me and Paul, but we didn't have time.
{{IRC1998}} <Greenish9> Unoriginal question: What did you think of SC3? Did George Macdonald really come and chat to you about it? <Fwiffo> We did chat with George quite a bit at the start of SC3. Unfortunately, we had very limited time and really couldn't design as much as he wanted.
{{FredMail}} I'm afraid [the Rainbow Worlds] were going to serve, what you might say, was a lower purpose. They were indeed meant to serve as a pointer (as the first follow-up suggests), but they were only going to point to a conversation with me and Paul that Accolade never knew about. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on where your sympathies lie) we were just so busy finishing the actual game that we could not, in good conscience, spend any time on something that was going to get us into trouble.
They did not have enough time to implement the Groombridge dialogue. And Paul did not have enough time to lend much help to the development of SCNot3. That's it.
NOTE: You might also want to take a look at this list of unsolved mysteries in SC2.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2007, 04:01:00 pm by Valaggar Redux »
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