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Topic: Possible reference to Ur-Quan Masters in Half-Life 2? (Read 3356 times)
Valaggar Redux
Although the idea does definitely sound very enticing, I really do not think that HL2 has intentional references to Star Kontrol.
- Although Mycon are sentient fungi, they don't colonize stars.
- Slylandro are never mentioned as being "vast", and atmospheric beasts didn't originate with Star Kontrol.
- Falayalaralfali isn't by any means a "world stretched thin across the membranes where dimensions intersect". It's in a bubble of TrueSpace that's suspended in QuasiSpace, that's all.
- I'm surprised that you didn't say that "impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary" is a reference to Orz best-fits; if you did, I'd have replied that this actually sounds like something similar to "words cannot do justice to blah blah blah" rather than "concepts unfathomable to our minds/translation device".
- Enslaving alien races that claim that they're actually good guys isn't too uncommon either; indeed, it seems that people eventually get bored of the cliched alien invaders and want to paint them in some shade of moral ambiguity.
Besides, with a game such as Star Kontrol, that covers so many science fiction themes and motives, it's unavoidable to find similar elements in other works. This alone doesn't make them references. A reference has to be quite obvious if it's intended to point at such an obscure game.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2007, 04:00:56 pm by Valaggar Redux »
Zebranky food

Posts: 17

Then again, the references don't have to be 100%. It's possible that they have taken strong influence from SC2, but have then altered the species a bit 1) in order not to be complete copycats and 2) to make the species fit better in their game. But this is only a possibility, a theory. Having never played any HLs, this isn't actually very important to me.
Just my two (euro) cents (so that they don't lose their value)
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