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Topic: Hello!!! (Read 4915 times)
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Posts: 134
Robot in Disguise
« on: February 02, 2008, 11:53:50 pm » |
Hi people. I don't know if anyone even remembers me, but hi anyway
I stopped following the UQM & Clones scene a few years ago, so I thought I'd stop by and ask if anything interesting have happened?
Is there something new in UQM (Beside the obvious stuff appearing in the change log of the new version)?
Are there new clones being made now that TimeWarp is dead? (It is dead, right? The forums seems deserted)
Anything else?
Valaggar Redux
Re: Hello!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2008, 01:12:59 pm » |
(Somebody remind me to clean up the first post of that thread so it's presentable and tells people how to get the current version.)
I think a link to the Ultronomicon article would suffice.
To the new poster: Yet another thing that happened in your absence was my sudden rise to power, and the ensuing fall. Using the account Valaggar, I posted here for three months, with 7 posts a day (most of them being stuff like "I agree" or "Hmm, I don't know"), so that I quickly became an Enlightened. After being asked to slow down, I reduced my speed to three posts a day, but began making a lot of threads in which I said how much I disliked the Utwig voice. Examples: (note that these are just examples, there's much more to it than this!) Qualms about voice acting Poll: The Utwig voice Working on new voices!!! This time I'm SERIOUSLY considering to redo the Utwig&Slylandro voices!!! Lance_Vader's Utwig voicepack Lance_Vader's Utwig Voicepack RRRRELEASED!!! Utwig with another mask? Project: CWUV
After posting that last thread, I was commanded by meep-eep to cease. However, unfortunately, it was right then that a new&brilliant idea came to me -- making a petition to TFB that asked them not to use the same voice in the sequel! I could not resist it - I posted a link to the petition in my signature and got banned for a week as a result. Thankfully, the ban period coincided with my one-week holiday, so it was as if I didn't get banned.
However, I did not stop posting silly stuff such as "the VUX are a reference to the Ku Klux Klan", or this one and such. I also made a strange post which some people didn't like, but I still don't think that that post was that quirky. And let's not forget the The Orz voice thread either.
I also posted two threads about me: Poll: Are you sick of me? and OH MY!.
Finally, after some time, I just couldn't bear it any longer. I deleted my account. When this got noticed, I couldn't resist, however, making a new account to explain why I had deleted my old one. I deleted that account too, but after a time I made this new account (and, go figure, it was related to the Utwig voice too!), with which I've been sticking since then.
And I'm no longer posting too much, nor am I posting any more silly things.
This is the everything story.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 01:49:20 pm by Valaggar Redux »
Valaggar Redux
Re: Hello!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2008, 03:39:57 pm » |
Gee, thanks.
By the way, since when is the Arilou Wizard no longer called a "Wizard"? In 1.3.0 is was named "Wizard", and when you "completely redesigned" it in 1.4.0, you didn't change the name.
And don't bring "I make the mod, so I decide how that ship is named" as an argument. Unless you change the name in another place than the Ultronomicon, then the ship is still called "Wizard", because the Ultronomicon, as any wiki, doesn't accept original research. [/jokey paragraph]
Re: Hello!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2008, 03:41:48 pm » |
Valaggar, what on Earth are you doing? You've never even met UAF, why are you posting your entire life story in his thread? He's not going to read all of that.
Valaggar Redux
Re: Hello!!!
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2008, 05:42:45 pm » |
Valaggar, what on Earth are you doing? You've never even met UAF, why are you posting your entire life story in his thread? He's not going to read all of that.
I'm filling in the gaps of EP's "what-happened-in-your-absence" story. My life story is relevant to the recent history of the UQM forum. It should've been smaller, but I got swept away by the tide.
By the way, since when is the Arilou Wizard no longer called a "Wizard"? It was a wizard since it could cast spells. Since it can no longer cast spells, it's no longer a Wizard. I'd argue that the name still fits it, as what it does to the planets and the asteroids is quite freaky. Or well, maybe "Sorcerer" would now be more appropriate.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 109
Re: Hello!!!
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2008, 08:08:50 pm » |
Yeah, TW is dead, based on the brief conversations I've had with ex-contributors. I think TfB's announcement did much to kill the drive towards creating a fan-made SC2 successor. Of course, you posting a crappy plot doc that not many people were willing to say out loud was utterly infantile probably didn't help either.
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Posts: 134
Robot in Disguise
Re: Hello!!!
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2008, 08:33:16 pm » |
The net melee sounds like a cool feature, but I tried playing UQM and the 16 angles is just killing me. Literally too
I read about your mod Elvish. Sounds cool, I might try it.
Valaggar - you might feel happy knowing that I did read your life story. I didn't follow all the links though, sorry.
Thanks for the info fellows, I'm still waiting for a good SC clone. TW was good except of the memory leaks , I wish there will be a similar clone soon (The ability to add ships, 64 angles, many new types of melee with more sides and teams).
Oh, what happened to the Aftermath clone? That one looked promising
Posts: 3620
The Ancient One
Re: Hello!!!
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2008, 08:33:35 pm » |
I'm filling in the gaps of EP's "what-happened-in-your-absence" story. My life story is relevant to the recent history of the UQM forum. It should've been smaller, but I got swept away by the tide.
Didn't you do a lot of work on the Ultronomicon? One would think that'd be more relevant and interesting to mention than "I was annoying, and am now less so".
Yeah, TW is dead, based on the brief conversations I've had with ex-contributors. I think TfB's announcement did much to kill the drive towards creating a fan-made SC2 successor. Of course, you posting a crappy plot doc that not many people were willing to say out loud was utterly infantile probably didn't help either.
I'd say it was more this sort of internal strife that sank your project Baltar, even before the big crash and new board.
The only thing I can think of that could even remotely interest you UAF, is that Chad is semi-permanently gone and Scott runs PNF now. Supposedly he's going to update the whole site, but it's slow in the coming. Not related to any SC project, but at least in part to the community.
What's up doc?
Re: Hello!!!
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2008, 09:42:59 pm » |
Hey TimeWarp guys. How did you keep your ships balanced with so many facing angles? I'd imagine Druuge murders everything.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 134
Robot in Disguise
Re: Hello!!!
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2008, 10:39:17 pm » |
Things changed, but Druuge weren't close to murdering everyone. Fast and nimble ships were still able to dodge shots, only this time they had to dodge and not just stand in blind spots. Some point costs were change to reflect the new balance, but the only UQM ship that really became much more powerful then what it was in UQM is the Ilwrath Avenger, and not thanks to angles.
In UQM even when the Ilwrath cloak you know where it is, because it's always in the other side of the screen. Which makes cloaking almost useless. In TW there was a "Hero" camera mode, that centered the screen on your ship, and if the enemy's Ilwrath cloaked itself this mode was forced. So now you DIDN'T know where the Ilwrath was
Let me tell you, fighting Ilwrath players over the net was SCARY. You're staring at the screen trying to detect which star blinks so you'll know where the Ilwrath is, and any moment it might appear behind you incinerating you with hot plasma. It was a fun fight on either side, but REALLY nerves wrecking if you weren't the Ilwrath.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 134
Robot in Disguise
Re: Hello!!!
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2008, 10:44:52 pm » |
Oh, and hi Lukipela! You're someone who's nick I remember.
Wasn't PNF "just about to be updated" for the past year and a half?
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