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Topic: Old memories of Star Control 2 (Read 10209 times)
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Posts: 182

The Crimson Corporation
Childhood memories of Star Control 2 are rather golden to me, even though I finished the story mode as late as 2003. I'll explain why as we go forth.
I was 6 years old when Star Control 2 came out, about the same age when my brother brought the game home. I was a frequent spectator when my brother was playing, but I don't have any clear memories of any events that took place back then regarding my brother's playing. Anyhow I fondly remember the copyright protection method; identify a star by its coordinates. Even around the age of 6 to 8 I was able to remember nearly every constellation on the map, excluding the ones in Ur-Quan/Kohr-Ah space.
And of course I had Legos. I built all kinds of stuff from Legos, mainly starships. Yes, starships, always starships actually. I remember having a bit repository of pistache shells... I placed the constructed ship on the floor, and stacked pairs of shells on the sides of the Lego starship ... representing crew and batt. Some might view this as deranged or cute. Or both. I had numerous concepts for "my own ships", as I believe many have had, at any age. Even right now!
I once tried to play the story mode about when I was 8... even though I was Finnish and most shows made for kids where undubbed, I didn't excel very well in English. I understood basics; play, load, quit and that sort. The absence of internet slowed my progress. A shame. However; I remember getting in the story mode as far as getting the Portal Spawner, then I vaguely recall feeling uncomfortable as I found out from the Melnorme the whatever-orb was turning black, indicating a time limit (this piece of dialog is not in UQM or the 3DO version). Some might say I was a bit scared about the idea. And, well, barely understanding anything from the plot I found myself in a dead end; I didn't know where to go next, and with the time limit knocking on my door, I guess I felt anxious.
Nevertheless Super-Melee never left. Until some poopy operating systems changed. I truly regret for not having a perfect memory. I want to re-live those days.
Do *you* have such memories of Star Control 2, back when you were young?
The unofficial music critic.
Posts: 701

I mostly wish actually that I had a terrible memory where I forget every plot detail of SC2 and could enjoy all the tasty little surprises all over again
Dancing Fungus
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Posts: 150

Armor always looks cool with extra techno...right?
Well, since I have only recently been part of the Star Control guild of fanatics, I can't really babble about old memories of the game, other than my frustrated attempts to get it working on dosbox, which ultimately failed.
However, I did recently have an especially weird Star Con-type dream. Next to my house is an old uninhabited duplex that no one wants. In my dream, there was someone moving into it, but I couldn't really see who. There were all kinds of moving vans and random junk being carried around by fat guys who seemed to be taking orders from someone in the house.
A few hours after the movers left me and a small group of people went to the house to greet our new neighbors. I knocked on the door. There were some fidgeting noises coming from inside. All of a sudden, the door swung open. And who was standing there? A small family of VUX! Both the humans and the VUX screamed in disgust, then the largest VUX slammed the door shut. Everyone stood around looking puzzled, and then the dream ended.
The VUX family even included little baby VUX. This inspired the question of whether or not VUX go through the same growth cycle as humans. Weird, huh?
Thrice thy blinded cat hath mewed....
Frungy champion
Posts: 80

My dad brought that game home and told me, this was a fun game to play together with my sister. in fact, he showed me the Super Melee Mode. He also told me, the ships are steering strangely due to some magnetic energy field or something... 
I played it a while with my sister, but she quickly got bored with it, because it had spaceships in it and she did never like my sci-fi obsession 
I played against the computer, but it wasn't much fun, soon I discovered the other EXE file, but could not get any further than the copy protection. I asked my dad for the map and then I started the game the first time...
I was fascinated i could explore the solar system, i found the slave shielded earth and at first figured, the red glow around earth must be because of high air pollution. I talked to the starbase commander, but since I was like 8 or 9 years old, I only knew some words in English, so I did not really understand anything...
Then I also remember how I was stuck talking with Fwiffo on Pluto, for some reason unable to complete the dialog without fighting... at 11 pm my mother bursted into my room and just pushed the power button of the computer... I should have been in bed for at least an hour 
I did not enhance very far in the game, I remember I lost a lot of landers and for a long time I didn't notice that there is an auto-pilot feature so I often got messed up in hyperspace or accidently flew into Ilwrath space... this annoyed me so much, I started to mess with the game files and I overwrote the ILWRATHI.SHP with the SHOFIXTI.SHP, figuring this would replace the ships in-game so I have a much easier to beat enemy. But somehow this just erased the Ilwrath Spheare of Influence from the game, so I could now harvest a lot, but since I could not understand most part of the dialog, I eventuelly got bored and since I had very little hard disk space deleted the game...
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
Unfortunately, I have absolutely no nostalgic feelings associated with anything Star Control-related. The first time I even played the game was a few years ago, back in the UQM 0.4.0 days. I might have heard of it earlier, but held off since the remake may have strayed a bit too far from the original game as remakes tend to do.
Then, one day, I installed and played it...and my gaming life was changed forever. Probably because I have never played a game before whose characters actually evoked some sort of emotion from me, whether that be amusement from the Spathi or Zoq-Fot-Pik, slight sympathy for the Ur-Quan and their whole being mindslaves to the Dnyarri for so long, or general disdain for the racist VUX and that downright AWFUL emo-kid Utwig voice. (Okay, maybe I have had emotional responses to characters in other games, but not to the degree of the Star Control races.) It didn't take long for SC2 to shoot to the top of my personal greatest games of all time list, even toppling my nostalgia-filled experiences with Magic Carpet 2 and System Shock 2.
However, I suppose they'll become old memories several years from now, when I make SC2 the first game my children will ever play so that they get the proper nostalgic feeling, not to mention showing them what a great game truly is.
(Now, if only I had a time machine that I could use to instill two things into my childhood: Star Control II being the first, of course, but also a Commodore Amiga since I've always wanted to mess with a truly ahead-of-its-time computer in addition to tons of IBM PC clones and those 680x0 Macs that littered elementary schools. That Amiga would have both Starflight titles and possibly Star Control I bundled with it.)
human fluid sack
Zebranky food

Posts: 14
Let's just say that I was of an age were the scenes with a certain blueish skinned alien were extremely interesting.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
I only really remember vaguely when I was really young my brother and cousin would play SC1, however there's 2 ships that remained in my mind, the Chenjesu and the Ur-Quan, the Ur-Quan's ditty really just brings memories back.
Eventually I got to play SC3 when that came out, looking back at it I wish I'd had played SC2 earlier. Back in the day we thought SC3 was a load of fun (for the melee part, some aliens were also unique however) but today after playing UQM, it makes me think I should have played SC2.. SC3 was a terrible game now that I look at it.
So today I stick with SC2/UQM
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I went to a boarding high school. A friend down the hall had Civiization I and Star Control 2.
We alternated those two. It was a lot of fun. Our first time through we got stuck not realizing what to do when all we had left to do was the Umgah quest, and then we ran out of time.
Second try we got it.
And we played a lot of melee.
That was the brightest side of a profoundly mediocre year.
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
god so long ago i cant remember the year but i was using windows 3.1 and i still have the origonal starcontrol 1 and 2 disks to this day its so awsome
Posts: 802

I don't have any nostalgia for the game , as i never actually stopped playing it for the last 13 years. I re-play the full game about two-three times a year and have AI mellee when bored .
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

Damn I feel old.
No memories friends - STAR CONTROL 2 IS ALIVE AND ALWAYS WILL BE I don't have many time to visit a lot of websites but SC2 is still alive in my mind and as I wrote: Always will be This link down below is my proof - Peace friends and have fun with the best game ever
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