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Topic: Remix Help (Read 3072 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
ok, so i have the .zip files in the addons/uqmremix folder, but i have no idea what to do now the faq didn't help, i have no clue what the other topics mean by specify command prompt line blah blah blah... simplify this for me please
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

Assuming you're running the latest official release:
The "easiest" way to do this is to copy out all the .uqm and .zip files to another directory, put the old installer there, and reinstall from that directory, this time selecting the remixes. It will pop up little dialogue boxes claiming various things are already installed, if they are.
The other way is to right-click the "Ur-Quan Masters" shortcut inside the Start Menu, and add
--addon remix
To the command line options as per the instructions you found. "arguments" or "command line options" will be one of the fields on the Properties form. Don't use quotation marks on them, even though the .EXE file will probably have them.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
I used the first method you described, it worked. I tried the second method, and even though i put the --addon remix in the shortcut it kept giving me some error when I tried to apply the new settings. All I did is download the most recent version of UQM, (which I already had installed) put the remixes in a separate folder and installed in the same directory that UQM was already installed. The remixes work now. Thank you a lot!
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