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Topic: Question regarding mods (Read 2714 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Hey guys,
I have been a fan of the Starflight and Star Contol games for years. What a treat to find that I can once again play Star Control on my PC. Thank you. I have the lastest release 6.2 I believe and have already played it through. I tweaked the graphics and it looks great. I want to go through the game again but this time not have to worry about the time limit (Kohr-ar death march) So I downloaded the "Time Mod" and the "De-cleansing Mod". I cant seem to get either of them to work. I dont realy know what to do with them and they dont come with any instructions. I did notice that they state they are 6.0 mods. Does this mean they do not work with version 6.2 of the game? Please help if you can and again thank you for porting this wonderful game. 
Forgot to mention that i did do a search for any discussion regarding this topic but found nothing that gives the answer I need.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 03:46:32 pm by Sawyer »
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Thanks for the reply Novus. That is kinda how I thought they were used as it was the only way I could get them to work. I just wasnt sure because when I went into the game days seemed to be passing at the same speed as before. Should the slow down in time be noticable on the games calender readout?
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Ahhhhh, now we are getting somewhere. When I downloaded the De-cleansing mod it came with two executables. One called "ugm-debug-kh-dcm" and the other named "ugm-kh-dcm". Which do I use? Can you elaborate on the renaming of the mod executables? Name them to what? Sorry to be a pain but I guess I need some step by step guidance on making this work.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 111

If you use the shortcut in the start menu it will still point to the unmodded game .exe. To use the mod, you need to make another shortcut in the start menu that points to the mod, or change the name of the mod to that of the unmodded .exe (after moving the unmodded one out of the folder), or run the game by running the .exe directly from the install folder. This is a guess, but "uqm-kh-dcm" stands for "UQM Kor-aH De-Cleansing Mod", and therefore isn't the time mod, it just moves back the cleansing 100 years. Don't know which .exe to use, though.
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Ok so I deleted the "uqm" shortcut that was in the main Star Control folder. I renamed the mod "" to "uqm" and dropped it in the main folder. When I launch the game with the renamed shortcut the game seems to work fine. Thanks guys. Everything appears to be working great. I guess I wont know for sure until I see what year the Kor-Ah start their death march.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 09:38:04 pm by Sawyer »
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