Hi guys! I'm hosting another net melee tournament. The turn-out for these things is usually disappointing but I'm going to give this another spin. If you're thinking about attending, speak up in this topic.
Saturday, March 29th, 2008
* 5 AM Sydney * 7 AM Otaki * 12 PM Los Angeles / US Pacific Time * 1 PM Denver / US Mountain Time * 2 PM Chicago / US Central Time * 3 PM New York / US Eastern Time * 7 PM London * 8 PM Paris * 9 PM Helsinki
#UQM-Arena on irc://
-----[Tournament Structure]
All players regardless of net melee skill will compete against each other. However, paticularly gifted players will use smaller fleets and the very best will be severely handicapped. We are using Swiss tournament rules. If you lose a round, you are not ejected from the tournament but instead play against the other beaten players. There will be three rounds, then possibly a final bout between the two top participants if a clear winner has not emerged.
-----[Tournament Rules]
1) There is a maximum fleet size of 200 points. Talented players will be restricted to 150 point fleets. Top tier players must use 100 point fleets. 2) Only one of each ship type is allowed in a fleet. 3) You must have your team set up before connecting to another player for melee. Do not adjust your fleet once you've connected to an opponent. 4) All players with handicapped scores may not have a Thraddash Torch in their fleet. 5) Foul play will result in you being ejected from the tournament. This hasn't ever happened before, and hopefully it never will.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 10:26:45 pm by Shiver »
Captain Mazda
This sounds great. Hopefully I won't be busy during the New York server time.
Count me in, mate
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

Well I'd enjoy playing. However, I remember being banned because I refused to comply with the no Thraddash rule and tended to play long matches when facing a better player. I’m really not interested in debating the finer nuances of evasion tactics when playing a mutant player who is mostly used to running down and totally murdering the opposition. IE: "boring matches" vs. "time limit" -Did you mention a time limit? Or is that determination still arbitrary? IE: "foul play" Is my ranking to be re-evaluated by some kind of grand potentate before I am included in the handicapped group? -Or am I still.. just plain banned? 
« Last Edit: March 21, 2008, 11:22:26 pm by Amiga_Nut »
Amiga Nut:
I have you marked down as a 150 point player right now. Whether you're willing to play without Thraddash or skip out is your call, but keep in mind that all of those "mutant players" are going to be playing with 100 point fleets and should not be all that difficult to beat this time around.
There is no time limit. If there's any crap going on like a player using a Pkunk to perpetually run away from their opponent, pause the game and tell me about it. That sort of thing is what makes a match go longer than 30 minutes.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

I disagree with the exclusion of the Thraddash for 150 point players, and suggest that limitation be imposed on only the top tier players. I however yield to your tournament rules under protest. I’m in.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
Looks like I'll get to see how rusty I have become.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 199

Arena regular
Ooh, it'll be lots of fun! And time seems fine too.
I am in.
Question about the tournament: How do you select the opponents? Are we allowed to change our fleets between battles? Do you trust people don't go arsing around about their scores, both claiming they've won (I quess this won't be a problem as I've played against only friendly people before)?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

I have actually had a similar problem before. I would suggest that you print the screen after the battle to show the score and make sure your team name reflects your irc handle. You can show the picture to the tournament leader if a problem arises. Yes, I believe you can change your team between battles.
Question about the tournament: How do you select the opponents? Are we allowed to change our fleets between battles? Do you trust people don't go arsing around about their scores, both claiming they've won (I quess this won't be a problem as I've played against only friendly people before)?
I select pairs on the first round by assigning numbers to all the players and using a random number generator to decide who plays against who. If there are an odd number of players then someone will sit out each round. Odd man out counts as a win. In subsequent rounds, players with the same number of wins and losses will go up against each other.
You may change fleets between rounds.
None of the regulars have ever bullshitted with their tournament results and I don't expect that to be a problem. If this situation pops up, I'm going to side with whoever appears more credible. Record your game with Fraps if you need insurance. A screenshot of the final score tally is something that can be photoshopped, but if you can host it somewhere within moments of a dispute beginning I'll assume it's real.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2008, 02:24:43 am by Shiver »
Posts: 701

Awesome - maybe i'll get off my ass and fix my connection so I can play. 7am though - ugh
Good on you for resusitating these. Looks like we may have a new set of players hopefully
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 199

Arena regular
One problem popped in my mind:
How are we going to deal with lag issues? I've had problems with some of the regular #uqm-arena visitors as they don't have fast enough bandwith or live too far from Finland. Not all of us are americans...
Posts: 701

No, in fact most of you are Finns. Not all of us are Finns you know...
I'll test people's connection before we get started. My experience has been that location usually doesn't matter.