Sometimes, certain samples have interesting names. ZFP is just a random message from Dan: Zot Fot Piq music --still working on it! D. Nicholson
VUX gives you Dan Nicholson's number: Doom! Dan Nicholson (Not sure if I should post it, so I won't)
Utwig is more random from Dan: Theme for the Utwig D. Nicholson
Umgah: Umgah Theme D. Nicholson
Syreen had the notes right on the actual samples instead of blank ones: #Composed_By_Eric_Berg #PO_Box_(Personal information censored) #(censored, he lives in CA) #Made_in_the_USA!
Shofixti: ow! that funky alien! Dan Nicholson
Supox had more interesting stuff including an ad: Another strange song Written by The Finn. Be sure to watch out for Cascada's new vector demo due this easter of '92...
Greets go out to: Zodiak of Cascada Sauron Fred Nietzche U4ia Mark J Cox
Contact me if you like my stuff... or even if you don't... your comments are welcome.
E-mail: (censored, doesn't actually work anymore)
Spathi: #Composed_by_E_Berge (the bell sound's name is tacobell)
Slylandro Probe: Dan Nicholson 8-19-92
Pkunk: #Composed_By_Eric_Berg #PO_Box_(Personal information censored) #(censored, he lives in CA) #Made_in_the_USA!
Orz proves that Scooby doo is a part of *them*: Scooby
Melnorme(this is the last time I'm repeating this one): #Composed_By_Eric_Berg #PO_Box_(Personal information censored) #(censored, he lives in CA) #Made_in_the_USA! Ilwrath: Music possibly for The Ur-Quan Kzer-Za or another evil race Dan Nicholson 8-17-92
Druuge: This is what I have been working with for the Druuge.
D. Nicholson
Chmmr: D. Nicholson
Dont know if this is any sort of thing you can use but its some thing i have been working with
Arilou: Possibly suitable for The Arilou?
D. Nicholson
Also, post things you have found.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2008, 01:37:48 pm by Battlefrank »