I'm not sure I entirely understand. What is "alternative education" exactly?
Night School. South Lyon High recently phased it out.
I don't see any more information on that login screen.  You need a facebook account to see the stuff.
 Night school is important!
*Slaps Dancing Fungus across the face*
Frungy champion
Posts: 86

This is the message that it says there:
For those of you who want to keep updated on future events regarding the eradication of the night school program, this group will keep you posted on developments.
Only a few days ago, a board meeting was held that ended the South Lyon Alternative High School in a 4-3 vote. The issue with this vote is that it undemocratically does not represent the voice of the public nor is the decision in itself justified outside of preventing superficial test scores from lowering the town's reputation. The alternative high school (night school) was in fact receiving low grades from the state of Michigan, as far as standardized testing of its students goes, but the answer of the school board was to entirely abandon the situation instead of working to improve it. Imagine your car does not meet a safety inspection 5 or 6 years after your initial purchase, would you abandon the car or would you put some work into fixing it up and consider it an investment worth committing to? The school board seems to believe that abandoning students with an alternative learning style is temporarily most effective, although they have suggested a new method. The school board wishes to implement processes to identify and help children at the elementary and middle school levels who they fear are at risk of needing alternative learning requirements. Not only does this insult and stratify kids into majority and minority groups of learning styles, but it also involves starting an entirely new program from scratch while a money crunch from the state seems to be coming down hard on our schooling system. Now the school board insists this is not a monetary issue, but could that be only to distract from their fiscal irresponsibility in the refurbishing of an old school and the stocking of an all together new school with top of the line equipment? If they had budgeted, with the night school in mind, perhaps they would have the funds to now assist kids in need of education, instead of fueling a vain attempt to keep up with the Jones'. The bottom line is that teens who are simply in need of an alternative teaching method are now being discouraged and abandoned by a community who needs to help them now more than ever. If you have trouble coming to terms with the idea of whether or not to voice your opinion by sitting in with us, please just ask yourself: "Does everyone deserve an equal opportunity to education?"
"For every school you stop, you open one jail"- Mark twain
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Issac Asimov
I don't see why this is relevant to anyone on the forum unless they live in the same country and state as jaychant. How is this not a local issue?
It is. But maybe there'll be someone who lives nearby or is willing to spread the word.
I GO to South Lyon High.