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Topic: Fighting Utwig Juggers (Read 10489 times)
if you have a ship with a 1-point-damage weapon, use it in at about half second-1second intervals. This way, if the opponent shields, he/she will lose some energy. The AI will always shield.
Ships that can do this: Shofixti Slylandro Arilou Thraddash Supox Spathi (for best results, drain the battery and consistantly fire.) Mmrnmhrm Y
Most of those ships do not hold up at all against a player controlled Utwig at all, but I can see this thread is about fighting the awesome cyborg so I wont dispute the above post.
My favorite way to nail an Utwig is with VUX. Limpets are not devoured by the absorption field, so you can grind that ship to a halt by spamming limpets for long enough. The only thing that's difficult about VUX vs Utwig is that you start right next to the target every single time and have to wriggle away as fast as you can. If the Utwig and VUX are both the first ships to go into combat, they both warp in at a complete stop. Starting right next to Utwig with zero momentum is a bad thing, but I've found that I can get away from an Utwig simply by dumping both weapons at the start before struggling to get away. The Utwig will absorb your laser, but that stops them from shooting at you. Once you get clear of the Utwig's firing range, they're not going to be able to hit you again. Winning VUX vs Utwig with 4-10 crew left is typical. This also works against players, although the start is almost never as intense.
Most of those ships do not hold up at all against a player controlled Utwig at all, but I can see this thread is about fighting the awesome cyborg so I wont dispute the above post.
My favorite way to nail an Utwig is with VUX. Limpets are not devoured by the absorption field, so you can grind that ship to a halt by spamming limpets for long enough. The only thing that's difficult about VUX vs Utwig is that you start right next to the target every single time and have to wriggle away as fast as you can. If the Utwig and VUX are both the first ships to go into combat, they both warp in at a complete stop. Starting right next to Utwig with zero momentum is a bad thing, but I've found that I can get away from an Utwig simply by dumping both weapons at the start before struggling to get away. The Utwig will absorb your laser, but that stops them from shooting at you. Once you get clear of the Utwig's firing range, they're not going to be able to hit you again. Winning VUX vs Utwig with 4-10 crew left is typical. This also works against players, although the start is almost never as intense.
If you are just pointing at the Jugger with a ship that has a laser weapon or Antimatter cone, it will shield. This is because it figures you might attack at any time. You can easily exploit this flaw. I can beat an AI Jugger with a Drone easily. All you do is keep the cone on until you get in range, then turn it of and stay in range. Once the Jugger is out of energy, just cone it.
Posts: 802

I prefer the Vux way
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
Try the Androsynth ... its comet attack doesn't recharge the shields. Also, as mentioned, the Chenjesu D.O.G.I. is truly the bane of the Utwig. Further, the Orz is excellent with both marines and an easy-to-miss turret.
You can irritate the Utwig to death with a Vux or, (again, as mentioned) disable the shield with the Melnorme. Lots of options ... the Utwig just requires a different approach than any other ship so it seems harder.
Orz wins but loses half its crew Use the mortar instead of marines for a 0 damage victory. It has insane range. The marines are just a time-saving mechanism in this case. You of all people should know this. Not that I would recommend using Orz against Utwig at all when there are much cheaper ships that do it better.
Has no one else tried using a Drone? It's actually easier and less time-consuming than using a VUX.
Has no one else tried using a Drone? It's actually easier and less time-consuming than using a VUX.
Umgah doesn't work on players. Tricks that work against the AI aren't notable; a person can beat anything the cyborg uses with almost anything.
And yet, the OP was asking about defeating the AI.
I acknowledged this previously. That text you've quoted is my response to "has no one tried Umgah?". We've tried it. Jaychant isn't wrong, but there's a point where techniques that work against the AI lose all meaning.
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