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Topic: Website is selling Star Control 2 for Win XP and Vista (Read 5645 times)
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Firstly, their screenshots are all from the original DOS SC2, not UQM. If they're actually selling what they promise, they're probably using DOSBox. Their terms state that they're not selling the games, they're selling an installer that combines DOSBox with the original game, both of which they are giving away.
Legal analysis: The whole thing seems to be set up around a PO Box in Hampshire and a web server somewhere near Manchester, so UK law is likely to apply. They're admitting to distributing abandonware, and trying (badly) to argue that they're not selling the game, only a custom installer. Their web site appears to be hacked together from content from different abandonware sites and MobyGames. Either way, they've essentially admitted copyright infringement. The silly part is that they could legally sell UQM, but appear to be warezing DOS SC2 instead.
Conclusion: Moronic low-life.
Someone should spam the reviews section with reviews on how it's a scam and link to UQM.
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