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Topic: Modifying Star Control Ships! - Thraddash Edition (Read 14737 times)
Posts: 802

Nice idea - make a rhino behave like one
Zebranky food

Posts: 35
baby we can photoshop until we both rofl
I think I like Niles' design best out of all of those suggested so far.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Or for even more charging action, make the thraddash have the special ability that it can pass through enemy ships. Then it can drop flames inside them, which really changes the tactics. Flames would have to be toned down in that case, of course.
Mr Brian
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

Well I tried my hand a quick edit of the ship
Thruster used to give a boost of 12
Now gives a boost of 3, and the flames get a boost of 9 in opposite direction. Bullet life shortened from 15 to 8 and inherits parent velocity (none of the long shots while moving backwards stuff..) Flames inherit 50% of ships velocity
So now a new tactic for the thraddash can be to fly towards the opponent, spin and hit the afterburners, sending flames their way
« Last Edit: May 07, 2008, 06:34:32 am by Mr Brian »
Frungy champion
Posts: 75
I would leave it alone for the most part. If I were going to change it at all, I'd allow it to fire slightly faster (2 shots on screen at once rather than 1), and slightly shorten the range of the main gun (maybe 5%). The remaining features of the ship I would keep the same.
Zebranky food

Posts: 35
baby we can photoshop until we both rofl
Actually, I'd be impressed if someone could design a Syreen counter at all. Having posted that, it was inevitable that I'd end up trying my hand at sketching out such a ship myself. I figure I might as well post it here, as there's not that much activity of any other kind in this thread at the moment.
Speed: slow Acceleration: moderate? Turning rate: poor to moderate Mass: 4? Size: Medium, with sides somewhat wider than front and back Crew: 24? Battery: 24? Energy regain: Moderate?
Primary: Forward-firing laser weapon, with somewhat longer range than the VUX laser. The catch is that it doesn't fire every frame. Its damage per second should be moderate, as should its energy usage be. The beam should be very wide, making it hard to hide between facings.
Secondary: Four missiles launched simultaneously from the diagonal corners of the ship (spaced at 90 degree intervals). These missiles have only 1 hp each. They should also be pretty small and hard to shoot down. Damage: 2? Speed: same as Earthling missiles? Range: medium Homing: good, but not enough for you to ever be hit by more than two from the same launch Knockback: enough to keep small ships at a distance from you, but not enough to have much of an effect on a large ship. Rate of fire: moderate to fast Energy usage: 4? The secondary is the main reason I think this ship would counter Syreen. A faster ship can dodge the missiles, a ship with better weapons can shoot them down, and a larger ship can just plow right through them. The Syreen, on the other hand, has no defensive weapons, low mass, and poor acceleration.
Bear in mind that I'm not saying this should necessarily be done to the Thraddash; it was just a thought experiment. I'd also like to know whether or not you guys think this design is any good. I'm pretty sure I have the general idea right, but this ship could easily be overpowered or underpowered or not fun to play.
I'd also like to know whether or not you guys think this design is any good.
That design is good, probably good enough to put in the game. I have one beef with it: That appears to be stronger than 10 points. Possibly stronger than the balance mod Syreen cost of 14. An extremely wide beam that fires sporadically sounds like a clumsy weapon, but with wide enough coverage that you can shoot down Earthling missiles, Spathi Torpedos and VUX limpets consistently. Fast ships like Slylandro would have a problem with the missiles unless you were very particular about how you balanced them.
To nitpick a bit, I should also point out that Syreen's acceleration is very good. The problem is its top speed, which is what you must have meant.
Shiver, I would think you of all people would know that the Syreen's acceleration is not very good. How do you figure it's good? Sure, the delay is small (close to nonexistent), but the acceleration is lacking.
Zebranky food

Posts: 35
baby we can photoshop until we both rofl
An extremely wide beam that fires sporadically sounds like a clumsy weapon, but with wide enough coverage that you can shoot down Earthling missiles, Spathi Torpedos and VUX limpets consistently. Well, I had thought that the ship's turning rate would be slow enough for this not to matter. Feel free to nerf the primary, though; it's not a big part of the design of the ship. I could have easily made it something lame like the Spathi's primary, but I guess I made it unique just for fun.
To nitpick a bit, I should also point out that Syreen's acceleration is very good. The problem is its top speed, which is what you must have meant. Sorry about that.
Edit: Thinking about it some more, there really is no good way to balance the wide laser beam with turning rates. The Melnorme's poor turning speed doesn't prevent its charge shot from being used as a shield. And this ship should have decent turning speed anyway, so that you can aim the missiles. Nerfed primary it is.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2008, 10:21:19 am by Ph »
I don't know why you think that the Syreen's acceleration is good and its top speed is bad, but oh well. It looks to me like the top speed is average at least, but it takes like 2 seconds to get to that top speed!
The new ship looks interesting, and I look forward to trying it out in a mod. Yeah, whenever EP decides to do something. That or we're going to need another person who can program and compile.
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