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Topic: Alex's World Map Idea for a new Star Control (Read 2917 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
Megagun mentioned this before in another thread, and I think that it is worth making a new thread about this.
Alex Ness has made an announcement on April 28, 2008 on the TFB website. Go to, click on news, select April 28 2008.
He has a very creative way of convincing Activision to let them make a new Star Control:
"I'm going to buy a map. A real big one. Then I'm going to prominently display it somewhere in our office. Phase one of my plan will then be complete. Phase two is where I once again, ask you wonderful community of fans for support. What I want is to put pictures of you guys up on this map. Not everybody but at least one from every country." "The idea being to show the fan base all over the globe. Will this help convince Activision to let us do another Star Control? I can't predict the future but I can tell you that if it's big and displayed prominently, it will help remind them every time they come to visit and be a real conversation piece. Plus it will just generally brighten our spirits. In Paul's case, this could lead to a level of congeniality rarely exhibited by man or machine. He's quite a bubbly figure, in case you don't know. So if you've got the notion and a camera, can you send me a picture of yourself either playing SCII or at least standing near something SCII-related? Just send it right to old Or, if you really want the picture to get their extra fast, use my new other email address: Somehow just the word "nutsack" does make things faster and better. Thanks, Alex" It's a really cool idea. Everyone who submits a picture will have their picture posted on a map somewhere in the Toys for Bob headquarters and I really want to find out how Activision will react when they see this map. I along with some other people have sent in our photos to Alex via e-mail for him to paste on the map he will get soon. I took a photo of myself standing in front of my small Star Control collection staring into the camera dressed professionally as if I was going to a job interview.
What do you think of this?
Spread the word!
One per country? Being in the USA already makes me rather useless here. Maybe he should do another map with every state and see how that goes. I'll submit a photo soon regardless.
Zebranky food

Posts: 17

very well...Pkunkfury from ITALY will be present on the map, oh yehat! One per country? no no no...we want more than one!
Posts: 802

I wander if there is enough place on any sized map to place me as well as Slylendro on the spot ...
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