I had this problem with my game too... I thought maybe I was unable to get the sun device and send the Mycon to Organon as they should in the game, because the option wasn't showing up. I decided to keep going and over time, it all worked out. Well, all I remember doing is going back to talk to the Mycon and fighting several of their ships until they talked about their "Deep Children"... then I travelled to the Deep Children world and suggested they find a new pad to destroy... well, it worked out in the end after I had done that and played the game for a while longer. Somehow I never remembered that little problem in the original SC2, but maybe I'm wrong...
**End o' Spoilers**
"Even Our House Pets Are Rather Evil." - Ilwrath Captain
The funniest thing the Orz say is: "Yes yes, goodbye is the game, Hello! I am only joke!"
Oh man, the first time I ever read that during the game on my pc I was listening to a lot of Beatles back then in the days... All it stated to me was that the Orz have had a lot of *happy time* with *Hello Goodbye*...
Greetings from the German Nightmare - Up the Irons!