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Author Topic: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool  (Read 12549 times)
Frungy champion
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Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« on: January 15, 2003, 10:48:51 pm »

Okay, I may  get yelled at for doing this, but ever since the first day I played UQM (about 2 months ago), it  has been bugging  me.

You know what I mean:  the voiceovers and subtiles don't go at the same rate.

Well, I've done lots of work on stuff since then, and from my point of view, one of the few remaining issues (from the user's perspective) is this synchronization problem.

I've been told others are working on it, and I've been told to wait  for the new resource system, but it's been two months, and I'm sick of waiting.

So here it is:  A tool that lets all you earn your keep by listening to the dozen or two hours of UQM voice-acting, and pressing a key ('n') each time a page of text has been spoken.

What you need to do is download my tool, and follow the directions.  Then send the collected data back to me, and I'll turn it into something that can be used for UQM.

You can decide amongst yourselves how to partition up the load, but  I'd like to get a few reults from different people for each ogg file (that way I can have reasonable confidence that the timestamp data is valid)

I have built a binary Windows version, but it should compile on any OS thathas SDL and libvorbis (both pre-requisites for UQM).  I have only tested it on linnux so far, and it works fine there.

Also, there are a few known issues with the tool, the code is a mess, and it leaks some memory (but not too much).  I may fix those up eventually, but for now, the data it produces seems to be fine.

Please let me know of any issues you may find, and don't go hog wild quite yet.  Bettter to just do a few, and send them to me so I can make sure everthing is workinng smoothly.

I should probably note, in case it isn't abundantly obvious, this will be a major spoiler if you haven't finished the game, as you will hear all of the text spoken byall of the races.

The windows binary  (230k):

the source (8k):


Ur-Quan Masters Voice-over synchronization tool

For Windows:
     Unpack into any directory.
     From a DOS prompt, execute Synchronizer.exx from within the UQM content
     directory it will write out files into content/timestamp/race
     When you are done, archive them, and send to:

To use, select the files you want to play, and  hit start.
hitting 'n' is the same as 'Next Screen', and 'p' will pause/unpause.

Hitting 'space' or 'enter' may have adverse effects, so don't

For Linux:
     The code can be compiled with:
           gcc synch.cpp synchronizer.cpp audioSDL.cpp audio.cpp -o synch -DUSE_SDLAUDIO=1 -lfltk -lvorbisfile -lvorbis `sdl_config --cflags --libs`

     You'll need fltk (1.1.x), oggvorbis, and SDL development libraries

If you have any questions or issues, please send them to the e-mail above

« Last Edit: January 17, 2003, 09:58:39 am by PhracturedBlue » Logged
Frungy champion
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Re: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2003, 07:03:22 am »

Just a note:
I updated the linnks above to point at rev 0.11
Bug fixes for Win32 (nothing critical, but niceness things)
Also, Linux build now works for all you Linnux folks who want to get in on the action
Zebranky food
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Re: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2003, 07:56:08 am »

This is actually a cool idea on a sort of indirect way to solve this issue, though I'm pretty sure the team is working on a similar method, I think that's what it said in the dev notes. *shrug* I'd love to help but I wouldn't have the time. Though I've played through the game a billion and one times already. Good luck with this.

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Re: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2003, 08:20:08 am »

I was going to comment that the game was turning Japanese with the port, but you beat me to it  Grin

If you've listened to 80s pop you'll get the joke  Wink
Frungy champion
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Re: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2003, 08:38:22 am »

This is actually a cool idea on a sort of indirect way to solve this issue, though I'm pretty sure the team is working on a similar method, I think that's what it said in the dev notes. *shrug* I'd love to help but I wouldn't have the time. Though I've played through the game a billion and one times already. Good luck with this.

I am part of the 'team' Smiley (see my cool 'developer' status)

And there is another effort to develop a more comlex tool (which will also facilitate translations).  But as far as the subtitles go, this is the way we've decided to synchronize them:  Create timestamps for each of the ogg files, which will be used when playing subtitles to determine when to change pages

Re: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2003, 08:59:36 am »

Is it the intention for the time indices to "work both ways"?  e.g., if you hit the right arrow to skip to the next subtitle, you could also (in theory) seek to the appropriate frame in the OGG file, so that the voice and speech always match.

According to the documentation, it's supposedly trivial to do. (yeah, right)

Just an idea.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2003, 09:05:54 am by Nic. » Logged
Zebranky food
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Re: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2003, 09:05:41 am »

Hum, well I thought the developer status might just mean you are a software dev guy in the biz Smiley My bad. In any case, good luck on your endeavers, I've really enjoyed the alpha test so far. Hasn't crashed yet!(Gotten about halfway through storyline)

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Re: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2003, 10:33:41 pm »

I would love to do this.  My question is, is there a resource out there where I can examine the text and see where the page breaks are without having to actually get into the game and find that conversation?
Frungy champion
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Re: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2003, 12:07:20 am »

I would love to do this.  My question is, is there a resource out there where I can examine the text and see where the page breaks are without having to actually get into the game and find that conversation?

If you try my tool, you will see that it does this for you.  It shows you 1 screen of text.  All you need to do is press 'n' each time the voice finishes the current page, to advance to the next page.

It is very easy.

Frungy champion
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Re: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2003, 12:28:32 am »

In case anyone was wondering how much voice acting there is in UQM:

total voice-acting: 11:23:01
arilou : 21:17
black-urquan : 14:10
chmmr : 16:29
commander: 1:00:00
druuge: 31:45
ilwrath: 38:02
melnorm: 72:07
mycon: 12:15
orz: 35:25
pkunk: 45:14
shofixt: 8:13
slyland: 24:20
spathi: 46:28
supox: 14.36
syreen: 27:47
talkking-pet: 22:42
thraddash: 40:18
umgah: 20:21
green-urquan: 24:17
utwig: 45:40
vux: 21.22
yehat: 22:26
zoq-fot: 20:35
« Last Edit: January 17, 2003, 09:57:06 pm by PhracturedBlue » Logged

Re: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2003, 01:19:20 am »

If you call this project "UQM@Home", I'm sure you'll get LOTS of people signing up to send in results, all fake.  Smiley
Frungy champion
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Re: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2003, 10:05:33 am »

Another update.
I have updated the links above agian.  the new version will display how much time it will take to play the currently-selected tracks.  It also skips tracks which onlyhave a single page of text (since those dont require synchronization).

Also, I currently have results for:
Slylandro (and the probes)
Yehat (and rebels)

Re: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2003, 02:33:39 pm »


I haven't had much time but I did some synchronizing a few days ago.

I have commander Hayes and Chmmr, I see they are not in your list.

I'll send them when I get home, hopefully..

Re: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2003, 06:16:17 pm »

Cool!  Unfortunately, it seems to have some problems in Linux.  I tried it out (after compiling it) on a number of different files, and it seems like it freezes after I finish playing the first sample. (whether I stop it manually, restart, or let it finish)  Specifically, it becomes unresponsive and consumes as much CPU time as possible, as if it had entered an infinite loop.

Also, I had to decrease the point at which it word-wrapped -- the default word-wrap point placed the text off the right-hand side of the screen.

Anyway, looking forward to captions that actually work Smiley

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Re: Voiceover / Subtitle synchronization tool
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2003, 06:59:07 pm »

In case anyone was wondering how much voice acting there is in UQM:

I find it sad that the THRADDASH are ranked so high. They have a lot of amusing history to tell, though, so I guess they're worth it for the amusement value.

on the other hand, the Arilou seem to have relatively little speaking time...
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