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Topic: Star Control: The Trading Card Game (art, kinda) (Read 10209 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 32

deviant schoolgirl on speed
Luki's made it quite clear on the SCDB that frungylovers is a terrifying place, so I'm going to share these here, too. XD

Because I'm a geek, I've been thinking about the mechanics of a SC2 TCG-- mostly adopting concepts from M:TG, RU from "world" cards replacing Mana from "land" cards, Ships replacing monster/creature/whatever cards... characters and ability cards would affect your and your enemies respectively, and species cards would effect the entire field. XD
Not that I'll actually make a deck worth of these things, but it's fun to think about! And I'm taking requests/suggestions for what cards I should make next (though I'm not on my home computer ATM, and am thus lacking my PS7 and template).
So, whaddaya guys think?
« Last Edit: May 12, 2008, 10:06:36 pm by alanahikarichan »
Zebranky food

Posts: 17

ah ah
About the hypno-boobs:
I see! Well, in the spirit of interspecies communication, let me just say, COWABUNGA!
Zebranky food

Posts: 32

deviant schoolgirl on speed
Re: Particleman: Oooh, Elerium looks like s/he actually thought about this. XD
Prowler: Oooh, say that again! 
Anyway, here's a couple more~

I got an idea:
-Trade Master Greenish-
All previous battles (or every battle in which he is involved) victories are converted into RU. Quote: "I had itchy pods this morning, and then here you are."
Another idea:
-Slylandro Probe-
After 3 victories (per Probe), place another Slylandro Probe card. Quote: "PRIORITY OVER-RIDE. MUST BREAK TARGET INTO COMPONENT MATERIALS."
Note: If you want, I can lend you my probe picture I made. Just look in my DeviantArt profile.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2008, 05:54:20 am by Prowler2885 »
Zebranky food

Posts: 32

deviant schoolgirl on speed
Oooh, maybe. :O Those're some good suggestions! And your donation of artwork is greatly appreciated. *Makes!*

I should make some of the other types of cards... I haven't made any World or Ship cards yet. XD;; *FAILS*
ETA: ... aaaand two seconds after I post it I notice that I didn't give it a RU cost and have a typeo. GO ME. \o/
« Last Edit: May 14, 2008, 07:19:12 am by alanahikarichan »
Zebranky food

Posts: 32

deviant schoolgirl on speed
Re: Planets: I was thinking both, actually-- but the "world" cards would just be types of worlds, as you said-- Dust, Ruby, Water, etc., with the amount of RU they give determined by what type of world they are. (So a Treasure would give waaaay more RU than a Dust, as an example.)
There would also be homeworld, rainbow world, and other named places-- but they would be special abilities and stat boosters (so Beta Luyten II would, say, increase the attack and defense of all Intruders on the field by 2 points, or something like that.)
Zebranky food

Posts: 12
Hey WOW Alana this is GREAT!!! I had been thinking we need to have more SC2 themes in just about anything we can create: desktop backgrounds, emicons, weekly comic strips & even... card games! two days later YOU post em! wonderful!
As for the suggestions...
1) Neo-Dynarri as character- dismiss 1 oponent space ship back to opponent deck 2) Ability: Dynarri mind control (pic of the Dynarri in red- as in when the red flash happens in the game) choose ship to fight/send opponent ship to be destroyed (graveyard)
3) and of course the Taalo shield to prevent these attacks!
P.S. I think frungylovers ROCKS!!!
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
I've noticed someone brought up one of my old projects, hopefully I'm still gonna work on those cards, but atm I've pretty much just been hanging around doing projects on the RA2 Yuri's Revenge mods and I seem to have gained a resurgence in getting my Tau Warhammer 40k army together 
I've actually got a load of notes and stuff on how the rules will work, what races will be involved, their specialties, winning conditions, resources and all that. I really don't mind if you make your own CCG or if you wanna help/consult out with mine. Although the way I've set my CCG is that it's loosely based after SC2, so I won't include things like Dynnari or the Chenjesu, unless I decided to make one say during the Alliance/Hierarchy war, etc.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2008, 12:53:39 pm by Elerium »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I remember doing a bunch of SC-themed magic cards.
Looking over them, I realize that they suck. Largely because M:tG isn't expressive of the right relationships.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 105

Lost, Irresponsible, and Stupidly Daring
I've actually got a load of notes and stuff on how the rules will work, what races will be involved, their specialties, winning conditions, resources and all that. I really don't mind if you make your own CCG or if you wanna help/consult out with mine. Although the way I've set my CCG is that it's loosely based after SC2, so I won't include things like Dynnari or the Chenjesu, unless I decided to make one say during the Alliance/Hierarchy war, etc. I'm curious how Frungy will be represented, or if it'll just be the slide of the ZFP talking amongst themselves at the end of the game. "What is the wonderful sport, Frungy? How is it played? What kind of equipment do you need to play? and... Who's ahead in the Frungy championships!?"
"Nobody with any brains is interested in Frungy!"
Well what about me, huh? I LOVE Frungy! It's the Sport of Kings! Oh, all right he wouldn't know any of the teams anyway.
Frungy is played with gusto! Frungy is the Sport of Kings! FRUNGY! FRUNGY! FRUNGY!
"This was brought to you by FRUNGY, the Sport of Kings!"
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