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Author Topic: NetMelee forum experiment.  (Read 3224 times)
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NetMelee forum experiment.
« on: May 14, 2008, 08:59:02 am »

At ease soldeirs.

As I know most of you don't really check PNF out, here's some news that might interest you. Or not.

The NetMelee community currently resides on both IRC and the UQM forum. This means that tactics discussions and the likes can sometimes be challenging to find. This isn’t really ideal, but then again, what is? As an experiment, we’ve opened a section on the forum that is dedicated to NetMelee. 

To begin with, it can be used for mostly archiving and handy tips. There are a lot of threads on UQM Forum about melee tactics and the likes which tend to slowly sink into the froth. This would offer a place where they are much more easily available. It’d also be a fairly good place to stick whatever rules and instructions the NetMelee community adheres to. This way whenever a new tournament thread is opened, relevant material can be linked and found more easily.

We don’t really expect Tournament threads and the likes to shift over to SCDB. UQM forum has a lot more visibility, and the hassle of reregistering will likely deter a lot of people. Perhaps in time the NetMelee section will draw more and more people and this will become a valid idea. Or perhaps no one will post a thing (Except for Shiver) and the whole thing will turn out to be a failed experiment? No one really knows. I guess that’s what makes it exciting.

Links in the quote this time, just to make it easier for you.

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Re: NetMelee forum experiment.
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2008, 07:17:15 pm »

In my opinion, the Ultronomicon would be a better place for rules and instructions. It's a more permanent place than a forum, and it is better suited for something which is community produced.

I think that a separate melee section on a forum such as the SCDB (or the UQM forums) is a bad idea. Too many sections makes a forum look even emptier, and I suspect this is one of the reasons why the SCDB has dwindled over the years.

That said, I think Net Melee could do with a bit more attention. Let's hope this new effort doesn't spread the *sauce* too thinly though.

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Re: NetMelee forum experiment.
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2008, 07:33:59 pm »

I could try moving my PVP guide over to there and see what people say. It's a bit overwhelming... it was about halfway through the Chmmr match-ups against all 25 ships in the game where I started to feel bogged down. I think changing the scope of the project would be a good idea.

At ease soldeirs.

If you're military, I want to know your MOS.
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Re: NetMelee forum experiment.
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2008, 10:28:10 pm »

In my opinion, the Ultronomicon would be a better place for rules and instructions. It's a more permanent place than a forum, and it is better suited for something which is community produced.

This is a good point.  Perhaps it might be prudent to try the same thing over there? To me a forum has the upper hand because I don't like the way conversations are structured on Wiki's, but I suspect I'm pretty alone on that.

I think that a separate melee section on a forum such as the SCDB (or the UQM forums) is a bad idea. Too many sections makes a forum look even emptier, and I suspect this is one of the reasons why the SCDB has dwindled over the years.

I think it has more to do with the owner disappearing and this place being the only real thing happening in the SC universe during many years.

That said, I think Net Melee could do with a bit more attention. Let's hope this new effort doesn't spread the *sauce* too thinly though.

We'll just have to wait and see.

I could try moving my PVP guide over to there and see what people say. It's a bit overwhelming... it was about halfway through the Chmmr match-ups against all 25 ships in the game where I started to feel bogged down. I think changing the scope of the project would be a good idea.

It is a pretty daunting scope. But the material is A+. I hope it pans out one way or another.

If you're military, I want to know your MOS.

We have a conscript army here, so technically everyone is military. I'm a C-grader though, which translates to "We won't train you guys until there's a war, but don't worry, then you'll be in the first line." Just about D-grade, which is "You're not going to hold a gun Ever."

What's up doc?
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Re: NetMelee forum experiment.
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2008, 10:57:56 pm »

I could try moving my PVP guide over to there and see what people say. It's a bit overwhelming... it was about halfway through the Chmmr match-ups against all 25 ships in the game where I started to feel bogged down. I think changing the scope of the project would be a good idea.

It is a pretty daunting scope. But the material is A+. I hope it pans out one way or another.

If you're military, I want to know your MOS.

We have a conscript army here, so technically everyone is military. I'm a C-grader though, which translates to "We won't train you guys until there's a war, but don't worry, then you'll be in the first line." Just about D-grade, which is "You're not going to hold a gun Ever."

I agree about shiver's guide, that was really helpful, at least for those 4 ships.

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Re: NetMelee forum experiment.
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2008, 11:11:15 pm »

I think changing the scope of the project would be a good idea.

How about skipping the match-ups for now, maybe add them later?

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Re: NetMelee forum experiment.
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2008, 12:01:08 am »

Where is "here?"

Luki lives in Finland.
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Re: NetMelee forum experiment.
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2008, 07:04:45 am »

Yup. just to make things clearer (Because my last message was slightly ambigous), as C grade I have not done the 6 month to a year of armed service that my fellow countrymen did at 18. Instead, if there is a war I will receive a 2 - 4 weeks course (depending on how quickly the Russians advance) and then be sent out into the field to die.

But back on topic, Shivers posted his strategy guide over on SCDB. I'm not going to involve myself too much in this, since I'm not a part of the melee community. It's really up to you melee guys to decide. Is this useful to you? Or is it not?

In regards to the strategy guide, would it be eaiser to just give some general tactics for each ship? Sort of "If your enemy is fast, use this style. If your enemy is slow, do this instead. Don't ever do this.". Or is that kind of generalization possible at all? Would it make many ship guides virrtually the same?

What's up doc?
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