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Author Topic: Corrupted savegame files cause serious problems  (Read 1816 times)

Corrupted savegame files cause serious problems
« on: January 16, 2003, 11:26:18 pm »

(note: the report pertains to a recent CVS checkout built on Linux with (IIRC) gcc-2.95)

My sister was playing uqm the other day while visiting me.  After playing for a short time (she said she had just discovered another race and was about to talk to them, but it wasn't clear which one), she tried to save her game and the program crashed while saving.

When she re-loaded the game, everything was screwed up: she had millions of RUs, her ship had apparently random components installed in an asymmetric pattern (many of which weren't even allowable -- bits of the crystal device, ion guns in non-weapon slots, planet landers appearing in module slots, etc)  Even worse, loading this game -- or merely loading the preview -- apparently caused some sort of memory corruption in the program: all her other saved games (which are correct, and appeared correct before loading the bad game) appeared to have similar problems, random artifacts appeared in some parts of the display, etc.

Obviously, crashing during a save is bad; unfortunately, there's probably no way to reproduce that right now.  However, even if a saved game is massively corrupted, this other behavior is pretty ugly.  I don't know exactly how to fix it since I'm not familiar with the code, but for a start I'd suggest checksumming the game and sanity-checking values in the file.

I moved the problem saved game out of the way, and I still have it available (unless she deleted it) if a developer would like to analyze it.  This forum doesn't seem to support attachments -- is there a mailing list I can send it to?

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