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Topic: Steampunk Star Control "Sky-Control" (Another Fanart Project (idea)) (Read 3100 times)

I thought this up after coming back from church. It's a pretty kickass idea (at least, what I had in mind).
I think the starships in Starcon have much potential of steampunk conversions. Of course, they would have to become airships of some sort.
An example I made (though the quality of it sucks terribly (I had a much better idea earlier, then forgot.)) the Ur-Quan Dreadnaught I made is more in the form of a zepplin than a blimp or something similar. I know the cannon looks very screwy, and the "auto"-gliders look like crap, but this was an idea I had for the UQ Dreadnaught Zepplin.
Fusion cannon = high-caliber HE round cannon Auto-fighters = Auto-cannon/machine-gun gliders with drones flying them
The gliders are launched similarly to jets taking off from aircraft carriers through a pressure-release system that catapults them into action. Each glider is mounted with either an auto-cannon or machine-gun to deal small-arms damage to ships and to kill off crew that is exposed on their ships.
Other ideas (before I forget):
Pkunk rocket glider, with 3 auto-cannons mounted on the same hardpoints. Shofixti rocket ship with munitions and triggers to destabilize fuel, and a machine gun or rifle. Spathi hot-air balloon cluster (with necessary bridge crossings), front canopy for machine guns, and rear baloon with a fixed rocket pod Supox Zepplin with engines on all sides, or roatable engines, or thrust vector nozzles, and a steam-cannon that shoots lightly armored corrosive acid balloons. Or an auto-ballista. Earthling Cruiser airship conversion. Muskets or riflemen assigned to knock out any obstacles (SDI system), and a rocket-pod mounted on the fron. Landing gear is converted into hot-air-balloons or gas balloons (or something). Vux longship with catapults that shoot oil pods/buckets, and gunner has a harpoon gun or rifle. Mycon air-balloon with gas bombs that also carry an ignition trigger (mounted on a parachute); or molotov cocktails. Mmrnmhrm meta-glider, form A = aerodynamic rocket glider, with low-impact rocket-pods, and form B = straight-winged design with 2 machine guns converged several meters away from it. Syreen Penetrator zeppelin, similar design, really, just turn it into an airship. Plus, with the ladies out in the open, and the ship being fast enough, the open canopy allows them to catch the falling crew members. Ilwrath Avenger "Night-Stalker", reflective plating which allows the ship to hide in the night, or blind the other ship, armed with a flame thrower. Thraddash Torch, "Space shuttle with leaking fuel" pretty much describes it, and it carries roman candles as ammo. Arilou Frisbee... pretty much is it. Chenjesu Broodhome, simply, convert most of the crystal stuff into balloons, and the ammo is catapulted rocks, or cannon shots with timed explosives. Or Nitro-glycerin crystals.
That's all I can think of for now. Feel free to improve on my ideas, pictures definitely welcome.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2008, 09:35:28 am by Prowler2885 »
That could work too.
Posts: 802

Being steam-pank , I'd suggest on the Qr-Quan drawing , for the fighter glider to use Thompson submachine gun , rather than AK47 , i think it will look more ... apropriate ...
Well, like I said before, I quickly tossed this piece together, so I didn't consider the time frame steampunk is supposed to take place.
I don't think I'll be able to do all of these ideas. I'm still busy with the Ur-Quan Zera-Ke pic.
Just a friendly reminder, anyone else is allowed to contribute to either idea thread. My sig is somewhat relevant to how productive I am.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 06:26:45 am by Prowler2885 »
Posts: 802

Bad scan of a pen sketch ...
It's really a shame that Spathi have no visible mouth , nowere to stick the sigar into .
« Last Edit: May 28, 2008, 10:30:15 pm by Alvarin »
I like the fedora. Looks kinda like Don Fwiffo. Don't mess with him, or he'll call the captain on ya.
My only critique is that the cybernetic arms need more of a pulley system look. Like a prosthetic automail of the 1800s. Then again, that's probably what I would've done. Like the elbows are more gear-like, and there are visible chords to control the fingers or something.
And considering the Thomson, Fwiffo could also be wearing a bandoleer on his shell or back with clips doubling as armor or something (Although I kinda find it stupid to armor yourself with practically chainmaill made of live ammunition. That sounds more Shofixiti-like.)
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
Now why is it that everyone assumes steam punk exclues space travel? You could potentially take the "Jimmy Neutron" school of space travel and not worry about the whole air thing, or just add glass domes to everything.
There was a game a while back where you were playing Aztecs who escaped to space. But this is more a whole new game than a mod of SC2.
Then again, mix SC2, steam punk, old west, and make the Orz vamipre zombies and you've got an insta-retro orgasm.
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