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Topic: Can you win once the Kohr-Ah go on their rampage? (Read 9447 times)
X-Com God
Zebranky food

Posts: 7

I havent played this game in years, and I dont remember ever finishing it. So I spent last weekend playing the game nonstop, but unfortunately I didnt take good notes, and I didnt want to use a walk through. Well, I didnt realize there was a time limit to my mission and the Kohr-Ah started wiping out the galaxy.
???Can I still win? Or should I just organize my notes and use them for the next try? 
Next time I wont use my SC1 strategy of slow and methodical. I just wanted to make sure there wasnt a single mineral in the galaxy that we didnt mine.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 146
If they've not yet cleansed races crucial to success, yes, if they have, no.
Zebranky food

Posts: 32

deviant schoolgirl on speed
Moderator edit: big spoilers removed.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2008, 09:52:57 pm by meep-eep »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 146
That's some spoiler
X-Com God
Zebranky food

Posts: 7

Damn... could have used that spoiler. 
It is pretty much a loss cause... all that are left are the Yehat and the Ilwrath, and I never got to the Utwig or Thraddash to finish building the device or getting the bomb, if you need the bomb, I am just assuming I do. 
Anyhow... I started over, but now I save my game at Sol, plot out my route and scan all the planets ahead of time. That way I know where all the goodies are and I dont waste much valued time and fuel searching needlessly a bunch of dead planets/systems. I also plan on trying to hit as many of the 'plot line triggers' along each run. Right now I am still plotting out my map to Rigel and the ZFP, hit the Spathi on the way, the Orz and Vela on the way back, and should be able to fill all six of my cargo bays.
It also helps that I just need my Spathi that can destroy the whole universe! That means I dont have to arm the flagship and I can use that money and space for more fuel and cargo bays.
I hope to beat this 15 year old game someday!
I dont want to use a walk through, but if you all have any other advice as to saving time, I much welcome it.
Posts: 580

It's certainly possible to still win, but really only if you manage to find the locations you need to go to to pick up certain items rather quickly, before the Kohr-Ah arrive at Sol... The game gives you a 'workaround' for races which possess stuff 'critical' to overall success...
The two most rewarding bio-forms are the Spathi-esque emus... No, a single Evil One hardly give any data at all. Or are you talking about something else?
Several races will <I>give</i> you free ships; sell these for cash. Please use lowercase i's if you want it to work. 
The Druuge will offer you unlimited fuel for certain (necessary) story-items; once you're done with them, feel free to trade them away... and bring a dozen empty hi-ef fuel tanks too. You don't need any of the items you can sell to the Druuge. The Burvix Caster has no use at all if you have the Umgah Caster, and you don't need the Quasispace Portal Spawner; it just makes travel quicker and cheaper.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 11:33:44 pm by jaychant »
Well, you don't see a new SC2 player very often. But still, you're right. The best way to hide spoilers is to reduce the size to the lowest possible.
X-Com God
Zebranky food

Posts: 7

I had started over... but still have my game saved with the K-A marching toward Sol. I just figured I couldnt pick up the Utwig Bomb. I will head over, pick it up, kill all the K-A with Fwiffo and rule the universe i mean save the universe and free all the slaves... maybe 
I figured I dont need my flagship for battle once I had a few Spathi Eluders, so I loaded my flagship with nothing but a crew pod and a couple high efficient fuel tanks and nine cargo bays. I think I have enough money to rule the galaxy now... I mean save the galaxy, thats it.
Right now Im in December of the first year and Ive met the Spathi and the Pkunk and the Arilou, and I have a shitload of RUs and credits (bio units). I have my Spathi fleet and my QS portal device, and am about to head out to the Shofixti and the Yehat, hit the Vux, the Orz, the ZFP and the Umgah, mining about along the way. If I have enough fuel left (which I should with over 400 units) I plan on hitting the Thraddash and Zex's Beast so I can swing around back to the Vux and Shofixti before returning to Sol. Sound like a good enough plan?
I also plan on finishing my original game, now that I know I can still get the bomb.
Thanks for all the advice.
You should get the vortex spawner as soon as possible. It will make travel easier to the point where you will need no more than 100 fuel to accomplish anything. If you plan on mining a lot, then 210 fuel should be more than enough to get rich quick. Don't forget to load a TON of storage bays!
Also, unless you can win flawlessly with an Eluder every single time, you should at least lightly arm the flagship. A Hellbore cannon in the second slot, 1 crew pod, 3 tracking systems, 3 dynamos, 1 hi-ef fuel tank, 1 point defence laser and the rest Shiva Furnaces creates a nearly invincible ship (even without the point-defence). If you want a more lightly armed ship, try a fusion blaster in the second slot, 2 tracking systems, and 1 dynamo. This will protect the flagship well enough in emergencies. Do not use Ion-bolt guns, they are useless.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 105

Lost, Irresponsible, and Stupidly Daring
The two most rewarding bio-forms are the Spathi-esque emus... Or are you talking about something else? Something else; it's the little green bowling pin that runs around really fast?
Please use lowercase i's if you want it to work.  Oops. I was supposed to use [] instead of <>.
You don't need any of the items you can sell to the Druuge. Actually, that is true. But I just didn't want to be very specific.
The best way to hide spoilers is to reduce the size to the lowest possible. I see other boards on the web (phpBB?) use Spoiler tags, which creates a dark block with black text. To reveal what's hidden, a person would have to highlight the text.
I will head over, pick it up, kill all the K-A with Fwiffo and rule the universe forever. Once you're more experienced with fighting and space exploration, you can play the game again with this as a viable career choice.
I also plan on finishing my original game, now that I know I can still get the bomb. It's a good to know your alternatives, make your time, and wipe your mouth with the American flag. Why? Two words: Pre-cursor Terra-effable Bombs. Okay?! The Umgah, Thraddash, Orz - they can have all the *celebration* they want. They can have a big *Celebration* cake-walk right through the middle of the Galactic Core and it won't make a lick of difference because we've got the bombs, okay?!
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