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Topic: Can you win once the Kohr-Ah go on their rampage? (Read 9449 times)
Nope. But maybe you could highlight at the same color as the text! Let's see...
test hiding
It looks like it works! From now on, this is what you can do! (Glow and Font Color of the same color)
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
The best way to hide spoilers is to reduce the size to the lowest possible. I see other boards on the web (phpBB?) use Spoiler tags, which creates a dark block with black text. To reveal what's hidden, a person would have to highlight the text. -=PakoPako=- Yeah, I've seen that too. But is that a feature on these forums? It is now...
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
The best way to hide spoilers is to reduce the size to the lowest possible. I see other boards on the web (phpBB?) use Spoiler tags, which creates a dark block with black text. To reveal what's hidden, a person would have to highlight the text. -=PakoPako=- Yeah, I've seen that too. But is that a feature on these forums? It is now... (well something better actually)
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Why do you need "permissions" to post spoilers?!?!
X-Com God
Zebranky food

Posts: 7

I will head over, pick it up, kill all the K-A with Fwiffo and rule the universe forever. Once you're more experienced with fighting and space exploration, you can play the game again with this as a viable career choice. I have lots of SC1 experience, so I know how to fight... now if I can find one... 
I also plan on finishing my original game, now that I know I can still get the bomb. It's a good to know your alternatives, make your time, and wipe your mouth with the American flag. Why? Two words: Pre-cursor Terra-effable Bombs. Okay?! The Umgah, Thraddash, Orz - they can have all the *celebration* they want. They can have a big *Celebration* cake-walk right through the middle of the Galactic Core and it won't make a lick of difference because we've got the bombs, okay?! Thanks for the Dennis Leary reference! I also have whale-skin crew pods and baby seal heads for shiva furnaces. I drive through hyperspace with one antimatter thruster, sucking down fuel units and throwing non-spacedegratable refuge out the hatch.
Valaggar Redux
Nope. But maybe you could highlight at the same color as the text! Let's see... test hidingIt looks like it works!  From now on, this is what you can do! (Glow and Font Color of the same color) It works on Firefox (and possibly other browsers), as glow is actually highlight in this/these browser(s). But it doesn't work on IE (and possibly other browsers), as glow is actually glow in this/these browser(s).
But still, why do you need "permissions" to use spoilers?
Posts: 802

Correct me if i am wrong on this , but there is no "permission" as such for spoilers posting . However , spoiler , as implied by name , can spoil someones experience on the game , wich will really be a shame .
This error message I got when I tried to post a message with a spoiler tag:
Sorry - you don't have the proper permissions to post spoilers. Maybe you have the so-called "permissions" that it's talking about, then I understand why you don't know what I'm talking about. But I get this error message when I try to post spoilers.
This error message I got when I tried to post a message with a spoiler tag: Sorry - you don't have the proper permissions to post spoilers. I have the same issue. I also can't find a spoiler button, is there one? Right next to the quote button. The tag is: [spoiler]text[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 12:22:16 pm by jaychant »
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