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Topic: The Zoq-Fot-Pik Stinger is a great ship. (Read 12678 times)
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Posts: 155
I was with you right up until you said it's a better ship than the Skiff. Maybe I just suck at using the Stinger, but with an Arilou ship I can consistently take out Androsynth, Chenjesu, Mycon, Orz, Spathi, Supox, Syreen, Thraddash, Ur-Quan, VUX, and ZFP ships. I can much less often take out Mmrnmhrm, Umgah, Utwig, and Yehat ships. Granted some of these battles require a lot of patience or a little bit of luck, but human players always make mistakes and the AI is pretty easy to fool.
Although it's not my favorite ship I still have much love for the Skiff. =)
philosophy is the talk on a cereal box religion is a smile on a dog
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
But the skiff costs 3x as much, and it has counters.
Whatever they use to counter your stinger, it won't be (much) cheaper than the stinger itself.
Gonna have to disagree. The Shofixti is far superior to the ZFP. It costs 1 point less and is insanely versatile. Part of the reason we don't play dupes is so that it doesn't break down into a suicide bomber war. I've seen the ZFP be used effectively in three ways:
1) Sacrificial starter. And I do mean sacrificial. It will lose to just about everything. Even Shofixti does this better, but people who play ZFP at the start generally want to keep their Shofixti around for something in particular.
2) Risky Earthling counter. Not very reliable, but Tiberian can pull it off with some consistency so there's that.
3) Risky Mycon counter. Tricky to perform, but a little safer than going after Earthling.
Even in the hands of a skilled pilot, it can defeat a Kohr-Ah Maruder and a Spathi Eluder. No, no, no. Wait, is this another one of those threads about smacking around the cyborg?
Of course, if you are hit with a limpet, you're ruined.
The Zoq-Fot-Pik can also be decent against VUX. The VUX ship is uselessly slow, and it's weapon's range is shorter. However, the VUX can often kill you at the start unless you can maneuver away quickly. Also, if the VUX pillboxes around a planet, you'll have to be very cautious.
Your best bet is to get the VUX away from the planet and ride circles around it while spraying the pellet gun at it. It'll go down without too much trouble if you do it right. VUX mauls ZFP even without taking the surprise warp into account. Who are you playing against that loses their VUX to your ZFP?
If it isn't I still remember using the ZFP Stinger with some degree of success against Dreadnaughts And this is so wrong I'm embarrassed to even put quote tags around it. Ur-Quan's ship is a banana boat alright, but it's not so bad that it loses to the itty bitty ZFP in player vs player.
Shiver, there you are doing it again. Remember what you said over at this thread. This is strike one.
Although I agree with you, Shiver, that the ZFP could not easily defeat a Dreadnought (although it could be done), it is rude to just say "This is so wrong! What are you talking about?!" Instead say nothing or say something like "Of course, just two fusion bolts could finish you, so you need to be careful."
For a good example, look at this:
Of course, if you are hit with a limpet, you're ruined.
This isn't implying that the strategy sucks, it merely says that if you make just one small mistake, you're ruined.
And everyone else, stand up for yourselves. Don't let Shiver put you down. Remember, you're not less of a person if you aren't a perfect melee professional. I'm not a melee professional at all, but that doesn't mean I'm going to take what Shiver says.
Shiver, there you are doing it again.  Remember what you said over at this thread. This is strike one.
For a good example, look at this: Of course, if you are hit with a limpet, you're ruined.
This isn't implying that the strategy sucks, it merely says that if you make just one small mistake, you're ruined.
There isn't a "ROLLEYES.jpg" big enough for this occasion. Learn to read timestamps, jaychant.
What counts is that they were both during the same session. You could've edited that post, you know.
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