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Topic: Women's Basketball (Read 11538 times)
Well, I think I'll stick to skateboarding. I don't like team sports.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
I guess saying “everyone should play sport” is a bit of an imposition of opinion. It wasn’t intended like that.
What I should say is that everyone should do something that keeps them active and moving at least once a week. Not should as in you will burn in hell if you don’t but should as in you’ll more than likely live longer and feel better...unless of course your chosen activity is cage fighting or hot-dog eating.
Sport is also a great social opportunity, especially team sports.
I suspect you actually know all this.
And you probably think that there are other ways of achieving the above without playing sport. You are probably right. However, sport is an easy and accessible way of dong it.
Sport by its nature is indeed competitive, which turns a lot of people off. However there are TONNES of sports which allow people to play socially.
Partaking seems like a good way of killing many birds with one stone.
I prefer excercise to sport myself. If I go swimming or to the gym by myself, I don't have to fit anything into another persons schedule, which gives me a lot more freedom. I also don't really like the social aspects of mosts sports. I suppose I kind of use my excercise time as a sort of meditation, where I can empty my mind of everything and just relax and focus on my body. In team sports, there's always a tactical and social element that prevents me from just zoning out, and that's an important part of it to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not anticsocial. I do enjoy spending time around epople, just not when im excercising.
What's up doc?
Posts: 701

That works too!
So Luki, you're into yoga? I thought that was for girls?
Oh no! Dancing Fungus is that manhunter from Jumanji!!! RUN!!!!
When I played in chess tournaments, the men and women were in the same games. Actually, in my second tournament, the only person I lost to was a lady.
But, getting back to the original idea in this thread, I think it's unfair to say that men or women are better at any particular sport (basketball in this case). A man or a woman may be better than another man or woman, but I think it's unfair to general that one half of the human race is better at something than the other half.
Men may be generally more skilled in a lot of sports, but I think men are also encouraged more into playing sports than their female counterparts in most areas. Put another way, if you have 100 men who play basket ball, chances are you can put together a better team with that 100 than you can with 10 female players. Better odds.
You're ignoring the obvious difference in physiology between sexes. It's not unfair to say one group is better than the other because even if you had the exact same number of people playing a sport, the men would still be dramatically better at it. Your argument makes sense applied to chess, not sports.
Yes, generally men are more muscular than woman, so they would be better at basketball. That's how it should be. (I mean, seriously, a muscular girl? That's just nasty.)
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