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Author Topic: So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project idea)  (Read 7041 times)

So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project idea)
« on: May 23, 2008, 04:49:56 am »

Well, duh, of course. I wouldn't call myself a fan of Starcon if I didn't know they were.

How's this sound as a fan-art project I ought to do, instead of another ship?

Considering the Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, I was a bit curious how they would look if they were capable of going through a metamorphosis. You know, continuing their reproduction and maturity cycles without Dynarri interference.

How would they look? How would they behave? And if the moth, butterfly, or wasp forms had their own ships, how would they look?

I think it would be interesting to see some interpretations. I'll get cracking on it with what I could muster up. Anyone else is welcome to make their own. I'd be interested.

Here's what I found that could help with interpretations, the closest animal that fits the Ur-Quan form:

« Last Edit: May 23, 2008, 05:05:29 am by Prowler2885 » Logged
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Re: So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project)
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2008, 05:05:26 am »

Help, the evil butterfly empire is invading our planets! I'm sooo frightened!

In all seriousness, it's actually an interesting question. Perhaps we'd need to know what the original Ur-Quan looked like though first, though.

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Re: So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project idea)
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2008, 05:11:16 am »

Well, I remember the Ultonomicon mentioning something about the original Ur-Quan having been a brown color. I think I also saw some fan art regarding that as well.


Well, waddya know?!  I did!
Here it is:

Source: (Caution: possible NSFW material in the rest of the site. And no, no Ur-Quan & Syreen action via Rule 34. (Now try and burn that image out of your head. Grin))

Oh, and 10+ meter butterflies, especially with the Ur-Quan mentality (especially Kohr-Ah), would still be prett damn intimidating. Also consider the pretty awesome patterns that could come out.

Furthermore, consider the silk that is produced with the maturing process and such, where else would they gain the funds for ship/tech production (aside from slavery and conquest)?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2008, 05:17:52 am by Prowler2885 » Logged

Re: So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project idea)
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2008, 12:27:51 pm »

Yes, you also learn that the Ur-Quan were originally brown in the game itself.

Re: So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project idea)
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2008, 02:47:09 pm »

I thought they were more like centipedes than caterpillars. Obviously, the Ur-Quan do not turn into big friendly butterflies at any stage of their life cycle.
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Re: So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project idea)
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2008, 03:29:37 pm »

I wonder what role there Ur-quan butterflies can take in the Supox procreation ... Might be better simbiots than the Utwig Smiley
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Re: So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project idea)
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2008, 04:21:20 pm »

You know, that's a beautiful idea. Lets hope the artist crowd picks it up and runs with it. It should be something fro the lj community at the very least.

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Re: So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project idea)
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2008, 07:15:44 pm »

To me Urquan would seem more like dragonflies than butterflies.
They are predators, not pollinators.

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Re: So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project idea)
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2008, 07:31:30 pm »

yeah , you're right . If i'll get out of my laziness anytime soon i might give it another go .
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Re: So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project idea)
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2008, 07:55:25 pm »

I didn't say I disliked your picture. It's actually quite nice.

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Re: So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project idea)
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2008, 09:24:01 pm »

Thank you for the compliment !

I think that dragonflies emerge from tadpoles , rather than catterpillars , so this way it would be more accurate -
Unfortunately half an hour worth of wings produced no results , i just can't draw wings ...

/Image removed for maintanance/
« Last Edit: May 23, 2008, 11:44:57 pm by Alvarin » Logged

Re: So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project idea)
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2008, 10:06:16 pm »

Hey, not bad. I still need to get around to working on my part.

I can probably work on either form. (Dragonfly-ish/Wasp or Butterfly/Moth or a hybrid of both)

At least for pattern ideas, I ought to use Illustrator, then adapt it Photoshop. I hope I have enough skill to make it look right (might have to resort to using a Wacom tablet for most details).

And thanks for liking the idea, everyone. Maybe it could contribute to the possible sequel. Since butterflies or whatever they would turn into also would migrate. They could've been migrated during the doctrinal conflicts, and the Dynarri attacks; just so the Ur-Quan population wouldn't be severely affected during the wars, and return after everything blows over to re-populate, and continue life-cycles.

Of course, since the Dynarri takeover, the number of mature "Meta-Quans" have depleted a bit for the Dynarri survival, and those that survived the suicidal mind control escaped and remained hidden before the first doctrinal conflict in order to rebuild their numbers (which would explain later the many Ur-Quans in the sphere of influence (or a possible return of the Brown Ur-Quan for SC3)). And the few remaining "Meta" that weren't MC'd into suicide were used for breeding the Kzer-Za and Kohr-Ah through breed manipulation, thanks to the Dynarri.

However, because of the excruciator devices that were employed, they underestimated the Ur-Quan, the war against the Dynarri happens, and then the remaining were converted to talking pets.

I wonder if that would pass for the sequel, to fill in any holes about the Ur-Quan? Sounds plausible, and would be pretty interesting. Of course, I think the Meta-Quans (Or whatever more interesting name (like Kzer-Za or Kohr-Ah)) would have to fly in hive ships or something that allows for breeding and transport of the Ur-Quan and eggs.

Idea for Meta-Quan titles:
Ur-Quan Zera-Ke (Green Ur-Quan adult)
Ur-Quan Ahrk-Oh (Black Ur-Quan adult)
Ur-Quan Nuqr-Au (Standard adult breed name)
Ur-Quan An-Uqur (Alternative adult breed name)

I know, they're anagrammed names, but they still sound appropriate, ideas for names of them are welcome too.
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Re: So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project idea)
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2008, 11:45:58 pm »

Final version for what i can do . I might try someday to add colour , but i doubt it .

EDIT - i did some colouring in Gimp .

« Last Edit: May 24, 2008, 07:42:03 pm by Alvarin » Logged

Re: So, Ur-Quan are giant caterpillars, right? (Fan art project idea)
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2008, 12:17:43 am »

Here's what I quickly hashed together in less than a minute on some Post-it sheets. (Forgot to add a chryssalis form)

I would say they would look like a cross between a moth and a dragonfly, and would retain some features of their previous form in their elderly stage.

Critique is welcome (and yes, I know, the wings look a little odd and unflyable).


I looked at some pics of bugs, and made a hybrid face of a moth and a dragonfly, with Ur-Quan features. In the background are 3 sets of wings. I decided for the weight compensation to allow flight, and considering the features and whatnot, I think they deserve a triple-set. Plus, it would be pretty unique; unless you know of any triple-winged bugs. I kinda like the addition of moth antennae.

A bit overkill with the face form, but pretty nifty looking, resize to UQ proportions = scary as hell.

Note: I was running low on pink Post-its.

Another update:

I got around to making a more proper concept sketch (from Pen, on more proper paper).

I'm thinking of making my final picture take on more this form/posture, but I don't know what it should be "sitting" on, but I know the tail "claws"/"hands" could help control their ships, or serve as a foot or something when standing.

BTW, the wing set is assigned (Dragonfly - Dragonfly - Moth), as shown on the bottom-right. Ideas for wing patterns are welcome too. I can overlay them when I finish the final product. The Dragonfly wings are more bladed and jagged on purpose, once again, considering the massive scale of these guys.

Edit: I just noticed I forgot to add it's front legs on the top-down view, oh well, the perspective is essentially what you'd get anyway. BTW, the T-D is not entirely to scale. It's more for the wing proportions and design style, as well as the arrangement for the eyes and mouth.

Give me a day or so to go all-out on this, it'll look awesome.

After thought:

Reviewing my rough draft, I thought to myself, how about I arrange the wing patters a little more... alien?

Have 2 wing sets settled near the head, like a dragonfly, a tiny set of wings midway on the abdomen, and a medium set of wings near, but not on the tail, similar positioning like the double-set near the head.

Like this:        (2 wings)   (wing)    (wing)
                    >o8O | | OO | OOO | O >o|o<
                    (head)       (Abdomen)           (Tail)

Inspiration of this layout is thanks to "Shadow of the Colossus", and one of the Colossi you have to fight (or a couple of them), and several other long flying creatures (like the Chinese Dragon).
« Last Edit: May 24, 2008, 03:11:14 am by Prowler2885 » Logged

More crap from me (big surprise)
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2008, 04:43:59 am »

I'm currently working on a top-down hi-res pic of my Zera-Ke idea, before working on my final action-shot picture/portrait of it.

What I'm going to do is provide a DL link to the Hi-Res pic of the pieced together picture (I have an interesting method of illustrating I'd like to try out), so that everyone can provide their pattern/color ideas for the absolute final picture/portrait I'm gonna make of this monster.

This should at least help out with the dimensions and whatnot. And if anyone feels like making a top-down animation of it moving around (using Adobe Flash or something), just ask, and I can send you the template I'm using to make the top-down pic.

I'm using the puzzle-piece method since this thing might be too big to draw on a normal 8.5 x 11, and still scan it to look right. Plus, it would keep everything rather consistent. Also, I kinda want to see how it would look moving around, but unfortunately, I lack Flash skill. However, my Photoshop and Illustrator skills are up to scratch. How it would overall look, animate, and so on; just think Cortex Command. I think that's the closest description of how it'll all fit together.

We'll play it by ear.

Progress: ||||| ||--- ----- -----

( x ) Rough Scannable Preview Available
( - ) Vector Composition
(  ) Piece Together

...And with help from other forum members. Of course, they'll get the jpeg version to work with unless they have Illustrator, then just ask for the .ai file. I'll try to keep it a compatible format (I have CS3, but it is elbitapmoc sdrawkcab). I'll work with what I see.

(  ) Coloring (Deciding on whether to PS or ILL it.)

Update: Worked on the antennae. Damn, those are a total pain in the ass to make look right in Illustrator.

Still a distance to go so far.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2008, 03:59:49 am by Prowler2885 » Logged
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