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Topic: Sins of a Solar Empire - SC mod (Read 13421 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Sins of a Solar Empire is having a mod made for it - which will include the Star Control races in it. So far, in the latest release of the mod, the Kohr-Ah Marauder is the only SC ship in it. More is in the works right now. If anyone here is interested in doing work for the mod, the forums for the mod itself are the bottom link. I am not yet an official member of the team, but I am in the process of joining as a modeler. - scroll down to see the ship
As a side note, Sins is friggin awesome. There are some video issues with NVIDIA cards, and Vista causes some problems as well (I have both ). Ironclad is working on fixing those ASAP with the 1.1 patch. As is, the game is playable even with the problems, though a minidump occurs every 6 hours or so. Save often and you're fine if you have those issues.
*Addon Edit*
Oh yes, I forgot to post the full intent. To my understanding, the final goal is to have each race with a full set of their own ships, meaning 24 new races (slylandro can't leave their world, so not the 25 ships from the game) with 17 ships (this includes fighters and bombers) per race. The new ships will be inspired by the original race and ship.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 01:54:11 am by girhen »
Posts: 701

I've just hada quick poke around the forum and am excited about what I see. this could be a lot of fun for Star Control fans, it could also spread the SC gospel.
They have a LOT of work to do though, they need more graphic designers no doubt, people like slylendro and Arne for starters. Anyone with half a clue would be a help probably.
They will need designs for serveral ships for each race.
Go check it out!
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
tbh rather than have a separate faction for each race, I think they should make just two factions - alliance and hierarchy. That'd be cooler, and easier to do (less ships to create)
someone suggest this to them
Zebranky food

Posts: 5
Hello All, I am DANMAN, and I am the creator of the mod in discussion. Just wanted to give you all the story straight from me. I have considered just having the Hierachy and the New Alliance, but I want to create full races if possible and if time allows. My main goal is to get at least ALL the oringinal SC1 and SC2 ships into the game, with SC3 on the backburner. I also plan to fully expand a few individual races for now, in which they will have a full set of ships, not just the original one. As for right now, the current release of my mod only has the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah, and only with the Marauder as their ship. In development however, in my creative shipyards, I have already fully made a Destroyer class for Korh-Ah based off the Marauder. Basically it is larger overall and longer, but instead of directly firing forward, it turns to the side like a destroyer ship, and then launches salvos of spinning blades at its targets. I will be making ship number threee today.
So far, the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah, the Kzer-Za, Earthling Cruiser, Mycon Podship, Chmmr Avatar, and the Arilou Skiff are all in development. More will be done as time progresses. Hopefully this will bring honor to the Star Control name, and help to satisfy those Star Control fans who have SOASE to help curb their cravings until Toys for Bob brings out another Star Control. I am also looking for any help that I can get. So any takers, pllease head on over to my forum to sign up. Thank you all for your time.
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
Hi Danman,
Thanks very much for posting here and telling us what's going on.
I'm glad you have considered my idea of having just Alliance V.S Hierarchy - I see you have decided to go for the more time-consuming route, but I trust you know what you're doing, so good luck with that and I'm looking forward to the results 
If there is anything I can do to help, I'd love to - although there probably isn't, seeing as I have no graphical or coding experience.
Best of luck, and it sounds like a huge project to complete - but one that could easily turn out shit if you rush it. So good luck
Zebranky food

Posts: 5
Thank you very much for the kind words, I am so *happy* to hear that. Hopefully many *campers* will enjoy the mod.
Sorry, little Orz humor there.
Just to clarify, I will most likely go the route you suggested with Hierarchy and Alliance, but a few races I want to fully expand and create. If time allows, they ALL will be done. But not right now.
As to update you on the status fro version 2.0 of my mod, the Arilou are half way done, with about 5 ships done so far, and the Kohr-Ah have at least 3. The Kzer-Za, the Mycon, and the Chmmr are also in heavy creation phase.
Gihren produced sounds to add into the game for dialog for commands, and they are straight out of SC2, and sound awesome. Hopefully 2.0 will be done within a week or so. Stay tuned!
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
Wow, fast progress. Keep it up!
Zebranky food

Posts: 5
UPDATE: Here are some screenshots of my new Kohr-Ah fleet. While it is left up to imagination (since SC only had one ship per race), I tried to keep the same basic ship design, and I will try to do this with any brand new ships I make. Here are the shots. I hope you all enjoy.
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
good stuff man. you should get some additional artists to do some decal work on the bodies of those ships. they look great!
Zebranky food

Posts: 5
Thanks. I have 5 ships now by the way. I'll post some shots later.
About decals, I can do them, I just haven't had time yet. Too busy trying to get the ships done and in the game.
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
I figure an update would do well.
Danman has released the 2.0 Beta of 7 Deadly Sins. You have to request playtester status, but he has yet to deny it to anyone. The Kohr-Ah have 5 ships in it, the Marauder and 4 ships that are based off its design. For the most part, they're simply longer, wider, taller, and/or etc than the original. The Arilou are present, but rather incomplete. They will be more polished for the second Beta and the final release.
Danman has also said it's very possible that the Kzer-Za will be ready by the final 2.0 release. They have lots of ships done, possibly enough for every ship in the race to be new.
The biggest problems we've run into are actually concerning the details. The game has a hardcode on how many sounds are possible, so right now there is a limited amount of speech unique to the new races. I've also had problems adding one of the four pictures for the new races in the game. As far as models and unique items for the new races are concerned, however, this mod is doing quite well.
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
The second version is officially released to the public. Yet more shameless self-representation by us. The old website we used has since been replaced, our project did not die.
The Arilou and Kohr-Ah are major points in the release, and the Druuge and Kzer-Za should be in 2.5 (when we upgrade to the latest version of the game). You can also duke it out against the Empire (Star Wars), Rouge (our own creation), Atlantians (more or less our own creation), and the original Sins races and modified versions of the Sins races. It's well-balanced, and the game is constantly upgraded. Just wait until the Sa-Matra is added for both Ur-Quan races in the next version . You can expect plenty of thrills, chills, and explosions as you watch your fleet waste or be wasted in epic battles that you wish ol' SC could have provided. And we're still growing. The Chmmr should also be added in by the next full release.
This is definitely worth the $30 for a top-rated game with great gameplay and graphics, and our mod is free once you have the game.
If anyone else is interested in helping in any way, check out our website and let us know. Danman is, of course, the father and brains of this operation.
Hm. The reviews for Sins of a Solar Empire are pretty good, but I'm still attached to Sword of the Stars right now. It would be nice if someone who owned the game could give their take on this mod at some point.
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