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Topic: Shofixti Remix (Read 9387 times)
Frungy champion
Posts: 78

I didn't really think it fit the Shofixti well, but the point has been made several times by some (including Norg) that the remix project isn't designed to make tunes that fit the situations. It's designed for remixing. So in that vein, I've got to say that the track was very enjoyable. The scratches and guitar bursts were awesome, but the incoherent screaming just hooked me.

I just downloaded the Shofixti remix along with the Ilwrath one. When I was playing the Ilwrath mix, my girlfriend came over and gave me a lapdance. Swear to god.
I haven't told her it's about spiders.
Jeezus, these remixes are like some half-crazed DJ got a hold of the original songs and wierded them out!
Me likey.
"Like a panther on the loose!"
This tune rocks! I thought it held more true to the original than the illwrath remix did and I also loved the screem. The scratches kinda reminded me of dogs barking in some parts and I think that goes along with the Shofixti very well, even though the beat of the original may not have. Then again, this really isn't about how well the music goes with the characters so much as how well the remix builds and stands over the original. IMHO this tune does a great job at doing so, and is one that I wouldn't mind listening to over and over while talking with one of these horney little bastards.
Justin Chang
Just soo you know, I poasted this at the Pages of Now and Forever, too 
You want some constructive critisism. Here goes. This is bad . All right, the origional Shofixi theme wasn't the best and really needed work, but this is worse. While the origional kinda identified a bit on the Shifixxi culture (That honor is everything), this is just strange (not to say that the second half of the origional wasn't also strange). Those record scratches (is that what they are called) are COMPLETY out of theme. It really damaged the music. Second, way too much random-sounding solos, this goes for the origional too. Third, like in the origional, the baseline dissappears and there is no supportinve music to go with the melody.  I liked some things about this, though. I kinda-sorta liked the screaming, that weird jet/ship/waht ever flyby like thingie was ok, but it appeared too much. I liked about half of the drumming, it got too errotic after awhile. I really liked the chimes and the like, though. 
to sum it up, like in the Ilwrath remix, it doesn't fit well. in the Illwrath origional, as soon as that deep baseline kicked in, I think Big. Scary. Evil. Dealdy. Spiders. the remix didn't have that feeling. This one is like that, only the origional wasn't as good.
Zebranky food

Posts: 44

see, when i first started writing music in a digital medium twelve years ago, i was at a stage in my life (read: very, very young) where if i'd read comments like that about a song that i did, my response would have been something along the lines of "stfu, poopie head. opinions are like assholes and they're all full of sh*t" or some such.
now that i'm older and a smidge wiser, i'll respond a bit more diplomatically.
first of all, i appreciate your effort to provide some constructive criticism, or the closest thing you are able to come up with, so thank you very much. (:
unfortunately, i'm not going to let you off the hook that easily. *grin* here i go:
first of all, you've read posts before that we are part of a group that are taking the original songs of the game and remixing them. if you have ever heard a remix of a song on the radio or some such, you'll note that some of the time it has a few elements of the original, but more often than not it is an excuse to make a dance tune out of something that was never intended to be a dance tune.
our team is taking that concept one step further and making, what we feel, to be remixes that are a little more interesting to listen to than the typical pop wave.
so now for the meat and potatoes.
you're correct. there was very little to work with in the original song. however, it was still an original song, coupled with an original game, so no mere mortal remix of a song fighting against that much nostalgia is going to change anything. the good news is we're not out to compete with the original music; we're taking it a step further and putting new twists on them. this is no different for the poor shofixti music, which got put through harlem, south central L.A., your local ghetto, dr. dre's reject pile, and then available for download.
the question most people have asked me thusfar in private has been, "where on God's green earth did you come up with the idea to make a hip-hop instrumental out of -that-?"
if you listen to the original music, there is a bit of a beat in the song that almost sounds like the single use of a record scratch. when i was playing through the game for about the 4th time about 5 or so years ago, i remember thinking that it would be cool to extrapolate on that single record scratch. so here i was years later with the opportunity and i took it.
if you analyse the song on the merits of the piece by itself, then i can simply disregard your statements about how the record scratches damage the musifc and are out of theme. quite the contrary. i'm not going to go into a history of hip hop music right now because i'm at work and i'd probably get fired for lookin at some of the web pages i'd need for reference. (: be that as it may, i'm willing to wager that hip hop isn't your favorite style of music to begin with, so a song that takes those types of themes and brings them into the star control realm isn't going to exactly float your boat.
hell, i don't even like most hip hop all that much. this project is as much about the challenge of taking old songs and making them new again as it is about challenging myself to try new things.
i'm dying to know how the original shofixti musical theme had anything to do with honor. enlighten me. (:
i can't compete with ten years of nostalgia. not a chance. i'm not trying. i'm having the time of my life bringing old themes back to life with a few new twists. i don't think any of my other remixes thus far or from this point on are going to be quite as out in left field as this particular one, but it's always fun to do a little shakedown every now and again to make sure people are paying attention.
to clarify: when i look for constructive criticism, i'm more interested in musical theory, structure, overall sound and mixing, composition, and methodology rather than "it's bad." (: but like i said, i appreciate the time you took to post some interesting comments.
and finally, i forgot to have it noted in the release of the song (or in the notes of the mp3 tag) that the song is engineered to loop, rather than just stop at the end. whoops. my bad. (:
aaaaaaaaaand i'm spent.
-= george =-
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