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Topic: Shofixti Remix (Read 9404 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 44

i don't particularly want to beat a dead horse into the undead, and i feel like being punishing, i'll load up an old copy of Black & White and be bad god and hurl peasants into the ocean. ahhh the satisfying sound of a peasant hitting the water with a defined plunk...
but i digress.
i offer my personal guarantee that the entire remix project is not going to be a collection of angry dance and ghetto hip hop. in fact, i'm fairly confident that i'll never do another hip hop track again. the amount of work that went into making the shofixti mix as far as a work to actual music ratio is so ridiculously off the wall that i think most of my local friends were like ".... that's it? you worked that long on that track and that's IT??" 
with every form of music, not everyone is going to be happy with everything. i'm certainly not going to begrudge them for their views on music; musical interests are so far apart between most people that it's impossible to track. as an example, the 10 disc changer in my car right now has CDs of progressive metal, barbershop quartets, folk music, and anime soundtracks. that's enough 180 degree turns to make most people sick to their stomachs (in fact, any one of those would repulse most people). so i'm certainly not going to get on someones case for their choice of music to listen to. or choose not to listen to. or choose to thash until there's nothing left of the ashes of a former empire. i certainly have my dislikes (don't get me started on most country and most pop music).
however, ther real point behind this post is to reassure you all that there's likely going to be something for everyone in what will eventually be the full pack of remixes. some of the tracks will be little more than cleaning of of old tracks, staying true to the originals as close as possible, and others are going to be way off in left field. ilwrath is a bit out there, shofixti is jumping the wall, streaking in the middle of moving traffic, and shouting "Go for the eyes, Boo, the eyes!!!"
but we're certainly not going to do what -everyone- expects because that would just be plain boring. *grin*
enjoy the future releases, whenever they happen to be! (and continue enjoying these, for those of you who do )
-= george =-
Frungy champion
Posts: 78

shofixti is jumping the wall, streaking in the middle of moving traffic, and shouting "Go for the eyes, Boo, the eyes!!!"
rotflmao doesn't even fit here. My gut came several inches to exploding when I read that. The mental imagery is just FANTASTIC.
On another note, since these mixes are totally free with the rest of the game, were you guys intending to do anything with them in regards to Overclocked Remix? I'm not sure if any of you mixers do anything over there (Riku has an page making me think he's more professional than that, but then again, there's all kinds of mess at, but I figure at least getting DJP to post something about the mixes might get some more fanservice and rotation.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2003, 09:17:42 am by Arrow »
Zebranky food

Posts: 44

glad you enjoyed the visual. it just so happens that i've just started playing baldur's gate (not really by my own free will: i am sat down in front of a 61" television with cables sticking out of a laptop computer, a wireless keyboard and mouse, my eyes forced open by metal attachments, while my friend bo plays Ode to Joy on a cd player in the background and i think strange thoughts about not wanting to hurt people on forums ever again and alternately pray for a better car) and that idea seemed pretty keen.
OCRemix is something i gave thought to a long time ago when i did a prog-metalish medley of all of the themes from the original Metroid, which i never put the finishing touches on and, subsequently, never released anywhere. i have several friends who submit music there, which is why i'm surprised i never even thought about releasing a track there.
the only reason i would hesitate in doing so is because the tracks are not, in reality, completely finished. there is still a little bit of extra mastering that needs to be done, not to mention a few tweaks here and there that i know we'd like to do before the final product is finished. once all is said and done, however, it certainly wouldn't be a bad thing to get a little exposure (not the kind of exposure seraphim gives the bad angel in megatokyo, although that brings too many other things to mind), but for now i think we're going to lay low till more stuffs are done.
thanks for the idea tho!
-= george =-
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