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Topic: YouTube: Ur-Quan Masters Let's Play (Read 13271 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
Hi everyone!
I was surfing on YouTube and I found a loyal fan who decided to make a series of "Let's Play" videos, where he plays a game and provides good commentary as he plays. He decided to start with Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters. As of this writing, he has made 9 videos, with one of them being super melee.
If you have a YouTube account, give a 5-star rating and provide some nice comments to show support.
Battlefrank also made a series of Let's Play videos:
« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 03:47:24 am by Anthony »
Spacemanspiff did this over a year ago. To be honest, I don't think Star Control 2 really lends itself to the video Let's Play format. Dialogue-heavy games are better done as screenshot LPs. Even then, a cut and paste of the dialogue would be rather lazy. It looks like he's doing a decent job of it regardless. Maybe I'll send a message his way and ask him how he gets his YouTube video quality so high. I can barely get videos to look that good on Vimeo.
EDIT: As I'm watching, I notice this fellow tends to talk right over the dialogue. Big no-no. This still isn't a bad LP. I'm spoiled off the super high quality ones.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 09:29:12 pm by Shiver »
Zebranky food

Posts: 48
Gee, Mine never get noticed because I (re)started a few days ago and have been releasing videos at an extreme rate.
My original start died a few months ago when I had a fatal hard drive failure. so technically, I beat this guy to it 
Don't worry, even though my rates are about 8-12 videos a day, all LPs are followed by a short haitus. If I get the chance, today I will finish it.
interesting that me and this guy are about the same size. I tend to talk over the dialogue too... Sorry.
As far as feedback goes, tell me if my LPs suck or are good so I can decide if it's worth continuing doing these(People seem split 50/50 on whether or not they like me at the moment, so it's a bit confusing)
Don't worry, even though my rates are about 8-12 videos a day, all LPs are followed by a short haitus. If I get the chance, today I will finish it. Whoa there. You'll finish the game before you can even get an audience going if you blitz through an LP that quickly.
As far as feedback goes, tell me if my LPs suck or are good so I can decide if it's worth continuing doing these(People seem split 50/50 on whether or not they like me at the moment, so it's a bit confusing) Watched a little bit of the first one. You're supposed to be making LPs for the viewer who hasn't played the game, not yourself. As soon as I heard "there were many great battles, yeah yeah I don't care. How many times do I have to say I don't care?", it became clear I wasn't watching a good LP and I stopped watching. Someone who hasn't played the game won't find the intro boring because they've never seen it. Can a person make a good LP and disregard cutscenes and dialogue entirely? Absolutely, but not if the game revolves around its story like SC2.
Gee, Mine never get noticed because I (re)started a few days ago Posting a video on YouTube itself generally doesn't get much attention. That's what forums are for. You probably already knew that, though.
Zebranky food

Posts: 48
Don't worry, even though my rates are about 8-12 videos a day, all LPs are followed by a short haitus. If I get the chance, today I will finish it. Whoa there. You'll finish the game before you can even get an audience going if you blitz through an LP that quickly. As far as feedback goes, tell me if my LPs suck or are good so I can decide if it's worth continuing doing these(People seem split 50/50 on whether or not they like me at the moment, so it's a bit confusing) Watched a little bit of the first one. You're supposed to be making LPs for the viewer who hasn't played the game, not yourself. As soon as I heard "there were many great battles, yeah yeah I don't care. How many times do I have to say I don't care?", it became clear I wasn't watching a good LP and I stopped watching. Someone who hasn't played the game won't find the intro boring because they've never seen it. Can a person make a good LP and disregard cutscenes and dialogue entirely? Absolutely, but not if the game revolves around its story like SC2. Gee, Mine never get noticed because I (re)started a few days ago Posting a video on YouTube itself generally doesn't get much attention. That's what forums are for. You probably already knew that, though. If I truly disregarded dialogue, I would have skipped it. Sorry, but the game's a bit worn out for me because the LP is my 5th time playing it. And I thought you make LPs more as video walkthroughs for people stuck in the game? Well, since I'm out of school, and therefore have nothing to do, I will keep making these anyways.
And I thought you make LPs more as video walkthroughs for people stuck in the game? Nope. FAQs and guides cover that better. It can be helpful to see how someone else does it in games that take a lot of speed and coordination like Ninja Gaiden Black or Ikaruga, but gameplay videos showing how to beat specific bosses and what have you aren't considered LPs.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
Nice work. 33 Star Control videos is a great accomplishment! I edited my first post.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 03:51:36 am by Anthony »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
This Let's Play series ought to help me get more people to play this game...
I thought about doing one myself despite the fact that it would be my second playthrough, but I can't be bothered.
(Wait a second-did anyone do a Let's Play on Starflight yet? That game could use one.)
This Let's Play series ought to help me get more people to play this game...
I thought about doing one myself despite the fact that it would be my second playthrough, but I can't be bothered.
(Wait a second-did anyone do a Let's Play on Starflight yet? That game could use one.)
There was a guy who tried to do a screenshot LP of Starflight 2 which I followed along with, but he wasn't very good at it (Let's Play, not the game) and gave up. Screenshot LPs are quite difficult to do well since they rely heavily on the story-telling ability of the author.
Redpowervan is apparently too cool to answer a basic question I PM'd him with, so I'm gonna have to 1-star all his stuff instead.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
How long did you give him to reply?
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