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Topic: Why aren't battle thralls fighting the Kohr-Ah? (Read 45280 times)
I mean, really. The Greenies could use some help. I know the battle thralls are not very powerful compared to the likes of the Ur-Quan, but some of the tougher thralls (Like the Yehat, for instance) could mean victory to the Kzer-Za. And that means everyone gets to be safe instead of dead.
Captain Smith
Part of the "rules of engagement" state that no side can have any help...The Melnorme will tell you this, as well as the Ur-Quan.
Well then it should be obvious to the Ur-Quan that they're going to lose badly before the battle even begins. The Kohr-Ah have roughly the same fleet size, but they're genetically engineered to be the better fighters. Ur-Quan could only defeat Kohr-Ah with a superior strategy (LIKE HAVING THEIR THRALLS HELP THEM) or superior technology (The Sa-Matra, and that's been done before).
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
Being the part of the Ur-Quan that was engineered to be scientists, they probably figured they'd have built a better ship than the Kohr-Ah.
Well then it should be obvious to the Ur-Quan that they're going to lose badly before the battle even begins. The Kohr-Ah have roughly the same fleet size, but they're genetically engineered to be the better fighters. Ur-Quan could only defeat Kohr-Ah with a superior strategy (LIKE HAVING THEIR THRALLS HELP THEM) or superior technology (The Sa-Matra, and that's been done before). It's also obvious that it takes much more resources to setup a system for subjugating every race in the galaxy, and its associated bureaucracy, than showing up, killing everything in sight, and moving on.
The missing part of the backstory that I've always wondered about was "where did their notion of conscripting slave races to do their fighting for them come from?" Considering that their ideology is so xenophobic, it always struck me as a policy at odds with their nature. And the fact that their bureaucracy regarding battle thralls was so corrupt and inefficient (which for the purposes of the game is good, if they had their act together the rebellion on the Earth starbase would not have gotten very far), it always made me think that they decided on the policy out of desperation. Could they have known that they were going to lose the second conflict centuries before, and what made them realize it?
Oh, I forgot to take into consideration the whole Shofixti incident. 30% of the Ur-Quan Hierarchy was wiped out because they had amassed a fleet around Delta Gorno to kick the Shofixti into submission when the sun was blown up. The Kzer-Za might very well have defeated the Kohr-Ah if that hadn't happened. Then again, those loses were for the Hierarchy in general, and I imagine the Vux and Mycon were doing most of the dirty work in that area.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2003, 03:32:49 am by Shiver »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
I don't think their system of controlling the Thralls was that inefficient, I mean, the Hierarchy managed to kick the crap out of the Alliance of Free Stars pretty well. I think it's just that in SC2, the Kzer-Za stopped caring about their Thralls because they were focusing entirely on fighting the Kohr-Ah. I mean really, they'd either Thralled or slave-shielded the entire Alliance except for the Arilou (who disappeared anyway) and the Shofixti (who were all a bunch of little crispy bits floating around Delta Gorno), and the other races in the Quadrant, the ZFP, the Utwig, the Supox, and the Druuge were leaving them alone. They didn't really NEED to command the Thralls. They were just focusing on fighting the Kohr-Ah.
Yes, most likely the Kzer-za were NOT 100% done with enslaving the quadrant. That's why there still are free races, and during doctrinal war some battlethralls have taken some liberties due lack of control.
And why greenies don't use sa-matra or slave races?
The whole doctrinal conflict was set up, because Kzer-za thought it's possible that Eternal doctrine might be the right way, instead of the Path of now and forever.
The battle thralls /were/ fighting for the Ur-Quan. They were on the Dreadnoughts as disposacrew.
And who would need paltry inferior alien craft, anyway! It might have been one of the 'rules of engagement'. However, they could have made the slaves crank out more Dreadnaughts, though... but if the Ur-Quan were sensible, they'd be less fun.
The battle thralls /were/ fighting for the Ur-Quan. They were on the Dreadnoughts as disposacrew. They were? Sounds iffy. Would anyone like to confirm or deny this? I know the Ur-Quans only had one of their species on each ship, but the rest of the crew could just be robotic or something ("autonomous fighters").
Oh yeah, and if the Kzer-za only put one of their guys on a dreadnought, you can pretty much guarantee the Kohr-Ah were doing the same thing. And there's no way the Kohr-Ah would ever let any lesser species on, so I assume that all Ur-Quan manage their ships with one living crew member.
I made a few typos, okay?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2003, 09:02:12 am by Shiver »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Well, IIRC, the rulebook for SC1 showed an Ur-Quan trying to shovel a spathi into an autonomous fighter. So...
Zebranky food

Posts: 28

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>>They were? Sounds iffy. Would anyone like to confirm or deny this? I know the Ur-Quans only had one of their species on each ship, but the rest of the crew could just be robotic or something ("autonomous fighters").<<
The Ur-quan use thralls as crew members, and only the captain was an Ur-Quan. Go here: And look about halfway down the page. That's ripped from the original SC1 manual, and that's were the info comes from, so it's true, and the Ur-Quan don't use robots as crew.
>>Oh yeah, and if the Kzer-za only put one of their guys on a dreadnought, you can pretty much guarantee the Kohr-Ah were doing the same thing. And there's no way the Kohr-Ah would ever let any lesser species on, so I assume that all Ur-Quan manage their ships with one living crew member.<<
How can you guaruntee that? The Kohr-ah are quite different from thier green brethren, there is no need to assume they must operate the same way. There is plenty of room on those huge ships for 42 Kohr-ah. One of explanations I have seen was that the Ur-Quan still were quite territoral even with each other, so they avoided each other's close company, but the Kohr-Ah were engineered to be soldiers, so they work together better, and can stand being close by one another.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Though this is totally breaking what most people around here regard as canon, in SC3 you could only put Ur-Quan on board Dreadnoughts. SO, it looks like they are capable of coexisting - though the rulebook suggests that they would really prefer to be solitary. Going from having 41 people who will die before you do -> being send on an autonomous fighter... it's really a very different way of looking at the fighting process.
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