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Author Topic: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v0.2  (Read 18565 times)
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Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2008, 02:49:58 am »


I am not always understand about what you speak, unfortunately.
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Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2008, 12:08:09 pm »


I keep my old Amiga on a flash-drive. Tongue


Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2008, 08:58:49 pm »


Wow, I can't believe I didn't think of that. Thanks dude!
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Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #18 on: July 04, 2008, 01:52:42 am »

Wow, I can't believe I didn't think of that. Thanks dude!

Is that sarcasm?

I keep my old Amiga on a flash-drive. Tongue


Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #19 on: July 04, 2008, 01:58:03 am »

Wow, I can't believe I didn't think of that. Thanks dude!

Is that sarcasm?

What? No. I think I'm going to grab that and use it since you even got the dimensions right. Not like I would have thought of anything better.
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Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #20 on: July 04, 2008, 02:23:44 am »

Ah, good. Yeah run with it.

I keep my old Amiga on a flash-drive. Tongue

Zebranky food
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Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2008, 01:10:54 am »

You should add stuff representing the sound effects.   "AAAHHH!" *FOOM* or however you feel it is best transcribed.

Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2008, 07:09:57 am »

The Druuge Mauler

Going by point value, Druuge has to be the second most useful ship in Star Control. It would be first if not for the grossly underpriced Androsynth. The Druuge's top speed is low, maneuverability below average and rate of energy recovery quite embarrassing. These faults make the Druuge difficult to use at first, but the ship's insane primary weapon makes up for all of them. Once you master this ship you will find yourself including it in every fleet you use automatically. If you aren't at that point, the Druuge is still an easy win against many of the more frustrating vessels to play against.

Primary Function: Huge Cannon

The Druuge cannon has obscenely long range, high velocity and respectable damage. Cannon shells also have a significant knockback effect to them, which helps maintain a good distance between Druuge and adversary. Even better than knockback is the cannon's recoil, which throws the Druuge backwards whenever it shoots. The two of these effects together allow the Druuge to succeed where other space-borne artillery fails; it can hold attackers back at a comfortable distance and destroy them.

IMPORTANT: Whenever you are flying around above your default top speed, the accelerate button functions as a brake. Druuge can very easily throw itself out of control with its cannon, so you will need to slow yourself down often. "Thrust = Brakes" may be the one of the dumbest things you've ever heard, but it's essential to remember this if you want to play Druuge in any useful capacity.

The Blitzkrieg

While Druuge outclasses the other long range warships for various reasons, it tends to fall flat against those same ships. For this particular section, I am referring to Earthling, Mmrnmhrm, Mycon and Orz. If one of these comes after your Druuge, your best bet is to turn your ship away from the opposing craft and launch yourself right past them by firing off your cannon many times. You want to pass within a relatively short distance of the other ship, but do not set yourself on a direct collision course. As you go screaming past, you might be able to tag the other ship with a lucky shot. Continue to adjust your course and press the attack if you want to keep your Druuge alive. This aggressive style is useful against only the aforementioned handful of ships. Do not blitzkrieg against anything else, it will only make the game more difficult.

Secondary Function: Furnace

When running low on battery power, the Druuge can throw its own staff into a furnace which turns them into usable energy instantly. If you're fighting anything particularly difficult, you will have to make liberal use of this function so as to not be caught without ammunition. Don't be shy with the furnace unless you're up against something easy for Druuge to beat, such as Syreen.

Ideal Purpose

Druuge is most often used as a Chmmr counter. It is not the most reliable at this task, but for most purposes Druuge is the first thing worth throwing into the lion's jaws. Because this is one of the most critical matches in PVP, I will attempt to cover it in depth in the section below. The great thing about Druuge is that even if your opponent brings no Chmmr along at all, you aren't at a disadvantage. Druuge is powerful in general and relatively cheap for what it does. Here are some other victims ripe for the killing, most of which are relatively simple to put down:

• Ilwrath
• Melnorme
• Mmrnmhrm
• Shofixti
• Spathi
• Supox
• Syreen
• Thraddash
• Ur-Quan
• Utwig
• Zoq-Fot-Pik

Druuge vs. Chmmr in detail

Above all, recoil and knockback from your primary weapon are your friends. The Chmmr itself is not fast, but that awful tractor beam artificially increases its effective speed significantly. By the simplest metric, Druuge destroys Chmmr every time. If a Chmmr flies straight into a Druuge with its tractor beam on, the Druuge will repel and destroy the Chmmr without sustaining direct damage by utilizing its guns and furnace in a quick and efficient manner. This does not take into account asteroids, the planet, blind spots, screen crossing or point blank arrival into the arena, all of which work in the Chmmr's favor. When playing from the Druuge side, you are most definitely on defense. It's possible to eventually sneak in a hit on a Chmmr that doesn't want to commit to attacking, but for the most part you should focus on reacting to what the other player does and working in shots when the opportunity presents itself. Now that it's been established that Druuge against Chmmr is all about counterattacking, here are the four most threatening Chmmr tactics:

1) The Chmmr may try to run up one of your blind spots.

2) The Chmmr may cross the screen in a hurry, then bear down you as fast as possible while you aren't facing towards them with your cannon.

3) The Chmmr may perform a gravity whip in your direction.

4) The Chmmr may attempt to tractor you into the planet.

The solution to the first three approaches is exactly the same. Fire your primary weapon many times while facing roughly 90 degrees to the left or right away from the Chmmr. Shooting sideways like this is a great escape mechanism, much better than firing straight at the Chmmr when you are unable to hit it. As long as your back isn't pointing directly into them, you can potentially save yourself from an advancing Chmmr regardless of what they're doing. After you do this, judge the situation as best as you can and decide whether you should apply brakes, continue soaring, or launch yourself in a different direction. The fourth listed Chmmr tactic is not as immediately dangerous as the other three, and is usually done to throw you off so that the Chmmr can get the drop on you. If you can manage to avoid the planet without firing a shot, that's great, but it's better that you do waste some battery power shooting yourself away rather than crash into it.


As I mentioned previously, Druuge is most often deployed against Chmmr. If your Chmmr game is good enough, you may not need to counter Druuge at all. There isn't a sure-fire way to win as Chmmr against Druuge, you will simply have to practice against other players until you get a feel for it. If Druuge does win against your Chmmr, the Druuge has already accomplished its mission. You could kill it with a Zoq-Fot-Pik afterwards and it would not matter much. Regardless of whether the Druuge you're attacking was used against Chmmr or not, the best candidates for taking it down are Earthling, Androsynth and Arilou. For more specifics, keep reading...

Earthling vs. Druuge: Keep your narrow end facing the Druuge any time your Earthling is in their sights. If you give them even one good opportunity to fire on your broad side, that is usually enough to skew the match in the Druuge's favor. The best time to sling your nukes is when the Druuge is moving towards you, though you should be firing at all times rather than waiting for just the right moment.

Androsynth vs. Druuge: Your comet form has a very small outline, making you difficult to hit. Charge at the Druuge to force them to launch themselves backwards with recoil, then come around from the opposite direction and nail them. You don't absolutely need to force Druuge to throw themselves out of control to win the fight, but it helps.

Arilou vs. Druuge: Chain teleport until you end up where you need to be, then fly in and blast away. It may take a couple attack runs depending on how much crew the Druuge has. Never stay in the Druuge's line of fire for more than a fraction of a second.

More expensive ships that have an easy time with Druuge: Mycon, Orz, Chenjesu, Kohr-Ah. Try one of these if a cheap counter is not available.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 10:03:42 pm by Shiver » Logged
Zebranky food
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Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2008, 04:12:56 pm »

How do I get these graphic effects to UQM that you have on your pictures or are they just made with photoshop ?  Wink
Nice guide btw.
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Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2008, 04:39:09 pm »

They are photoshopped, but there's a nice idea for a mod =) More graphical effects...

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Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2008, 09:43:28 am »

Just an idea, more moderators oriented - I think all the thread related discussion in this thread should be moved to another thread, like "PVP strategy guide discussion", leaving only the guide posts themselves.

Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2008, 10:04:10 pm »

Just an idea, more moderators oriented - I think all the thread related discussion in this thread should be moved to another thread, like "PVP strategy guide discussion", leaving only the guide posts themselves.

That's unnecessary. The first post has links going to each update and the amount of discussion is hardly overwhelming right now.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2008, 11:18:41 pm by Shiver » Logged
Resh Aleph
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Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2008, 02:39:54 am »

I found a typo. Fundamentals/Flanking is missing an "is" in "this the only way to fight".


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Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2008, 03:04:32 am »

I found a typo. Fundamentals/Flanking is missing an "is" in "this the only way to fight".


You can't be serious. Sad


Okay, it's fixed.

Re: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v1.1
« Reply #29 on: July 10, 2008, 12:53:04 am »

Well, it turns out Druuge is better than I thought. Curiosity got the better of me, so I played a battery of tests against Elvish Pillager. The tests were Druuge vs Mmrnmhrm and then Shofixti + Spathi vs Chmmr. Druuge won most of the bouts, regardless of player. It turns out that a blitzing Druuge is superior to Mmrnmhrm if the Druuge player has their shit together. Therefore I'm going to have to give Mmrnmhrm's honorary second place title to Druuge instead. This means I have some revisions to make.

The second test showed that Shofixti is not reliable at knocking out Chmmr satellites. It can do it, but not with consistency. I'm going to have to remove that tactic altogether from the Chmmr section. I think I'll put Orz vs Chmmr in there instead, although that counter isn't much better.

Update: Went through and made minor adjustments to several articles, did a re-haul of Druuge.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 05:57:14 am by Shiver » Logged
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