Topic: Player-Versus-Player Strategy Guide v0.2 (Read 18575 times)
I've mentioned it before, but you and elvish pillager should try arilou vs androsynth
We did already, but it wouldn't hurt to give that a second look at some point. The previous conclusion was that chain teleporting dropped Arilou inside bubbles as often as it would put you were you wanted to be and the ship was too fragile while not fast enough.
Resh Aleph
*Smell* controller
Posts: 319

Rottem Tomatoes
So I've been comparing v1.1 of the guide with v1.0, and found a few ships which might possibly be missing from the lists of targets/counters (based on the outlooks in v1.0). You're probably aware of all this, but here goes anyway...
Androsynth targets: Arilou, Ilwrath, Shofixti. Androsynth counters: Chmmr, Yehat.
Arilou targets: Thraddash. Arilou counters: Chenjesu, Chmmr, Kohr-Ah, Orz, Ur-Quan, Utwig, Yehat.
Chenjesu counters: Chmmr (full crew), Kohr-Ah.
Also, I have a few more "corrections". I suppose you might just ignore these, I'm being more obsessive than Valaggar here.
- In Druuge, "your cruiser": I would capitalize "Cruiser", as it's the ship's actual name and not just "a cruiser".
- In Androsynth and Arilou: Earthling comes before Druuge in the target lists, while the rest is in alphabetical order.
- In Fundamentals and Druuge: "vs" should be "vs." with a dot.
God I'm insane.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 01:47:00 am by alephresh »
Marines on Maulers and limpets on Earthlings / Bright Podship plasma and warm Kohr-Ah death rings / Shofixti Scouts doing gravity whips / These are a few of my favorite ships! © meep-eep
So I've been comparing v1.1 of the guide with v1.0, and found a few ships which might possibly be missing from the lists of targets/counters (based on the outlooks in v1.0). You're probably aware of all this, but here goes anyway... Androsynth targets: Arilou, Ilwrath, Shofixti. Androsynth counters: Chmmr, Yehat. Arilou targets: Thraddash. Arilou counters: Chenjesu, Chmmr, Kohr-Ah, Orz, Ur-Quan, Utwig, Yehat. Chenjesu counters: Chmmr (full crew), Kohr-Ah. Also, I have a few more "corrections". I suppose you might just ignore these, I'm being more obsessive than Valaggar here.- In Mauler, "your cruiser": I would capitalize "Cruiser", as it's the ship's actual name and not just "a cruiser".
- In Androsynth and Arilou: Earthling comes before Druuge in the target lists, while the rest is in alphabetical order.
- In Fundamentals and Druuge: "vs" should be "vs." with a dot.
God I'm insane.  You're a nazi, but you live in Israel?
Okay, sorry, that was in bad taste. Your first set of corrections is mostly irrelevant and I'm not bothering with them. Thraddash, for instance, is a retardedly overpowered ship that's almost never fun to deal with so I don't list it in counters. Do you know what is actually involved in killing one with Arilou? It's not anything resembling entertaining gameplay. That said, I'll give Thraddash a real article when I get to its place on the list describing how to abuse it at its absolute worst.
The second set of corrections is useful to me and I'll go about fixing the listed things, though possibly not as you imagined in some places.
EDIT: As soon as this forum allows me to edit posts of mine on the first page! Something is very wrong here.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2008, 09:36:58 pm by Shiver »
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
Time limit?  Meep-Eep says one was implemented somewhat recently. He's bumped the limit up a bit, but I'm going to have to run this thread through several iterations before it's finished. There will likely be a 1.2, 1.3, etc. Wait, that's wrong too. This should be 0.2. Holy crap, Shiver. I don't think that I have said anything about when this was implemented. I expect that it's been like this for over half a year now. I never liked the fact that people could just edit their old postings and erase history (which has happened in the past), so when I discovered this setting, I turned it on.
I've changed the limit from 30 days to 60 days for Shiver now, but I think that that is too long for normal postings. It would have been better if I could set it to count from the last edit date, instead of from the original posting date.
Btw, did I mention that the Ultronomicon would be a much better place for this? 
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Be bold when editing
If you have a problem with (part of) a page, by all means edit it. No one "owns" a page.
What I'm asking for seems to go against that which makes a wiki be a wiki. Gonna stick with the forums as a drawing board for now.
There's more than one instance of "vs" in Druuge, by the way. * alephresh runs away from a raging Shiver. Oh cool, /me works here. If you ask me, I don't see what's so bad about the missing period. 
Let's go fix that.