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Topic: PRECURSOR PRIZE - Summer SuperMelee League (Read 18722 times)
Posts: 701

Okay folks, time to resuscitate this puppy. It's been too long and I've noticed that interest in Net-Melee has not completely died off yet. Thanks to Shiver for keeping the flame spluttering.
Brand new league starting this coming Saturday 21 June! This is the Precursor Prize. Remember, leagues happen over a period of several weeks so a fair degree of commitment is required in order to avoid defaulting melees. So I suggest booking out whatever part of Saturday you need on the below dates so you can enter this. The super-funness with make it worth while. There will be 3 melees per session – so that means about two hours of your Saturday.
This league is totally to open to everyone – old and new. If we get enough participants the league will be split off into two sections: Superheroes and the unproven. So rookies will be well catered for.
Date: Commences 21 June 2008 Time: Saturday 4pm New York time Place: #uqm-arena at irc://
Join us for this online Star Control Super-melee league! Of course you will need the latest version of UQM - 0.6.2.
Time where you live Sun 6 am Sydney Sun 8 am Wellington Sat 1 pm Los Angeles Sat 4 pm New York Sat 9 pm London Sat 10 pm Paris Sat 11 pm Helsinki
League structure/rules 1) 'Round Robin' regular season (everyone plays everyone else once) 2) Semi finals and final 3) 2 points win, 1 point tie, 0 points loss 4) Scores recorded - (points left after melee) e.g. 30-0 if you're left with a Kohr-Ah 5) Not showing up for game = default loss by 150-0 6) Standings and results will be updated after each round and posted on this thread and UQM-arena 7) If at the end of regular season players are tied on competition points, play-off placings will be decided by points For and Against. 8 ) The league will run for no more than 6 weeks, not necessarily consecutive. More likely to be about 3 weeks
Schedule (all EST) (details added once entries are in). 21 June 16.00 28 June 16.00 2 July 16.00 9 July 16.00 (if required) 16 July 16.00 (if required)
Remember, to enter, you need only to show up at #uqm-arena 4.00pm NY time on 21 June.
Game rules 1) Maximum 200 pts per fleet 2) Maximum one of each ship type per fleet (no duplicates) 3) Maximum 40 minutes per melee - Timed out games result in both players receiving a loss (a lame effort to nullify boring stalemates) 4) You must have your team set up before melee - this prevents you adjusting your line-up to counter your opponent's team! 5) No Thraddash permitted 6) Organiser’s decision final on all matters and can override rules 1 to 5 
It is not a rule, but you are highly encouraged to capture your melees with VidShot or similar application if you are able. This may help you in case of dispute. Otherwise you risk the tournament administrator making an arbitrary decision with the sole purpose of getting on with it.
Everyone and anyone is welcome! I hope to see people of all levels. The more newbies the better.
You can post expressions of your orgasmic excitement and drooling anticipation here. Let's crank up the hype!
« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 06:27:16 am by Cedric6014 »
Zebranky food

Posts: 35
baby we can photoshop until we both rofl
There's a good chance I'll participate in this; later in the week I'll know for certain whether or not I'll be able to.
Posts: 802

I'm out, am working two consecutive nights. for the first two weeks of the tournament ...
The video isn't up anymore, but the answer lies in the thread if you're willing to slog through it.
Is there a wiki page or homepage for that program You don't need to record your games, that's just a little something extra to do if you don't want people disputing your end score with their own fake one. This has never happened during a tournament before so it's not much of an issue.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2008, 10:28:17 pm by Shiver »
I don't really know how to use a computer. I downloaded X-Chat, and got into the uqm chatroom. What do I do from there to get on supermelee?
Say stuff until someone plays you. Gekku is the best about this, but he lives in Finland so he's not going to be around at this time (evening in the US). I popped into the chatroom as soon as I saw this and didn't see you in there. You need to give people more time. That said, the room isn't very well populated these days. That's why we have tournaments.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 304

A paranoid android.
Sadly, I don't think I can make this Saturday. Perhaps I can catch up the following week?
Thanks for organizing this again, Cedric. These were fun events last summer (er...winter for you), and I look forward to their continuation. Real-world events permitting, I look forward to participating.
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