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Topic: Problem with keys.cfg (Read 3033 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Hi, I downloaded and installed UQM v0.6.2, but when I start the game I get following error message:
"...The control scheme for UQM has changed since you last updated keys.cfg. (I'm using control scheme version 4, while your config file appears to be for version 2.)
Renaming keys.cfg to keys.old and retrying. Error: Could not copy default key config to user config dir: No such file or directory."
When I edit keys.cfg and change it to version 4 it complains that it is corupted and that I need to repair it.
Where can I get proper keys.cfg file?
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Since you haven't specified what platform you are running UQM on nor which packages you have downloaded and installed, the following comments are going to be somewhat generic. Uhm yes sorry 'bout that, I installed game on an old computer running under Win98SE.
This suggests you are upgrading from an earlier version of UQM. Have you made sure you've also updated the content packages?
Ok I'm bit lost here. I downloaded Windows version of the game from Download page of the game's site.
Is this full version? 'Cause I can't find other versions to download for Windows
This is the first time I ever installed the game (no previous versions)
Renaming keys.cfg to keys.old and retrying. Error: Could not copy default key config to user config dir: No such file or directory."
Assuming this isn't a bug, this can happen if UQM can't find the standard content package or it is out of date or corrupt.
Where can I get proper keys.cfg file? There is one in the standard content package. If UQM can't copy it from there, you're likely to experience other problems. That said, the relevant file is available here. Yes you're right now it complains that it can't find base content pack. OK so I guess I downloaded upgrade, but where is full version?
thnx for help
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Now I'm confused. As far as I know, the only way you can get a version 2 key configuration file (without some implausible manual intervention) onto your system is by running an old version of UQM (0.3-0.5, or so).
In any case, if you used the Windows installer (which is the only option provided on the download page to end users on Windows to make things simpler, and perfectly adequate both for new installs and upgrades from 0.3 or later), something has probably gone wrong with the base content package download. In the content/packages subdirectory of your UQM install directory, you should have a 11580000 byte ZIP file called uqm-0.6.0-content.uqm. If that's missing or corrupt, try reinstalling UQM or redownloading the file from here. RTTFAQ if you can't find the right directory.
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
ok ok I just figured out that I need those obscure files with uqm extension. Boy do I feel dumb now 
thanx for help anyway
ps you should really put those three uqm files at top of the page and big warning next to it "Download This First!!! Regardless of the platform"
I mean they were buried under bunch of weird Linux files I totally missed them.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 02:23:12 am by White_Night »
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