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Topic: Trick with Cruiser's point-defense laser (Read 10402 times)
Zebranky food
Posts: 11
True, this would be worthless against an actual Kohr-Ah opponent, I just used the Kohr-Ah ship to highlight the phenomenon. In practice, this actually works against the Pkunk ship's attacks, as its weapon fires a stream for several seconds, and its attack pattern is extremely predictable. What led me to notice the effect in the first place was the seemingly impossible speed at which I sometimes shot down the attacking Pkunk when it was at full health.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2008, 01:03:55 am by Main »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 111
Heh, this is completely off topic, but I love your sig, Main. I remember the good old days with all the candy I'd get from that thing.
Would this bug be exploitable somehow? I mean, would it be possible/feasible for someone to design a bit of code that helps shoot tat the exact right moment when you're in proximity?
It would only be useful against Pkunk. Elvish Pillager has designed hacks for the game before so he could probably do it. In case anyone's wondering, EP does not cheat in tournaments. I know what his hacks behave like in game, they're easy to recognize.
Posts: 1938
Fot or not?
On a more serious note, I don't think anyone is cheating. I was just curious as to whether this kind of stuff is possible in UQM. I know very little about programming, so I wasn't even sure it'd be possible to do stuff like this in NetMelee.
I believe this has been discussed before, but I'll summarise: both players' copies of UQM maintain the full game state; only the control information is transmitted (and, to detect possible problems, a checksum of the full game state). In other words, from each computer's point of view (and ignoring network delay), the remote player is handled essentially as a (hard to configure) joypad.
On the plus side, this means that you can't modify the game state in illegal ways, as this will only affect your copy (even if you fake the checksums, you can only fool your own computer into giving you, for example, more crew). On the minus side, you can modify the controls any way you like, including giving yourself cyborg-like abilities (e.g. perfect aim and shielding).
On the minus side, you can modify the controls any way you like, including giving yourself cyborg-like abilities (e.g. perfect aim and shielding). Auto-aim and auto-shield aren't perfect. Using Kohr-Ah, I killed an auto-shielding Yehat which also had a "fire control" mechanism on its weapon that stopped the Yehat's guns from ever draining its battery to the point that it could not shield itself. Auto-shield doesn't work so great when you attack nose-to-nose where you aren't even giving the other ship any time to realize you're shooting at it. The other thing that contributed to the difficulty of the match was that Yehat would still find itself short on energy, so there were still gaps in its shield. The cheat Yehat was a much tougher ship, but it was not immortal. Auto-aim is probably meaningless against Arilou, which can stop in place or teleport.
a bunch of minor conveniences. The minor conveniences are as interesting as the big cheese hacks, so I'll touch on those.
Firstly there's Yehat's fire control. Already mentioned that.
He made an artificial lag hack which apparently doesn't rely on the pause button too. That doesn't relate to the player's controls at all. The purpose was to make Utwig have a more difficult time against Kohr-Ah. We tried several different flavors of lag, and the most deadly turned out to be "jitter lag", which would lag the game in very short intervals, very frequently and occur in such a way that there was no discernible pattern to it. It worked. I don't think I ever made a kill with jitter lag in effect.
One thing I suggested was to create little graphical indicators to help the player. One was to have the background turn another color between the enemy ship's firing arcs so you could see their blindspots clearly. The other idea was a graphical indicator to show where the planet was located off screen and its distance away. Not sure if that's possible at all.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 05:58:27 pm by Shiver »
What is the Mmrnmhrm instant switch bug?
When the Mmrnmhrm switches forms, it starts with its battery at zero. There's a stupid trick you can use to switch and have maximum power immediately afterwards, allowing you to alternate between X and Y forms rapidly. It's very easy to spot when someone does this against you. Even if they do not carelessly switch rapid-fire between forms like an idiot, it's still obvious due to the Y-Form letting off four mini-missiles at the exact moment you switch into it instead of the two it normally shoots.
How does that help the Kohr-Ah? It doesn't make the Kohr-Ah any stronger, but it also doesn't really hurt them. The purpose is to throw off and disorient the Utwig player. Blocking projectiles with the absorption field without running your battery down to zero is tricky and stressful against a live player. Player controlled Kohr-Ah Marauders will typically make it their mission to screw with Utwig as much as possible. It becomes even more difficult when the game doesn't play at a smooth and constant rate. Presumably, this effect would exaggerated if the Utwig player did not know to expect artificial jitter lag and had never dealt with it before.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 136
Why don't all races have point defense lasers?
I'm a little confused... is the reason the kohr-ah is getting hit because the lasers are targetting the FRIED *behind* the kohr-ah, and the kohr-ah is in the way, so tha the lasers hit the ship instead?
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