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Author Topic: Help me with my Cobbled Together Remix Pack.  (Read 3714 times)
Zebranky food
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Help me with my Cobbled Together Remix Pack.
« on: August 12, 2008, 07:42:27 pm »

Okay, so I've decided that since the Precursors are taking their time finishing the fourth pack, I'd just make my own personal version using the music they've released so far.

Near as I can tell, I've got everything working correctly save for a few tracks.

1. Where should I put credits.ogg?
2. Is there somewhere I can download the Yehat remix in an .ogg format?

Is Lance Vader's Utwig voice pack still available somewhere? When I tried to download it the site said it wasn't hosted there anymore.
And is it possible to have the game use the .mod files for the special circumstances for which there are no (and probably never will be) remixes for? (for example, the rebellious Yehat and star base at low power) If so, where would I get said tracks, and would they just be put alongside the .ogg files in the proper folders in the remix packs?
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Re: Help me with my Cobbled Together Remix Pack.
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2008, 10:16:46 pm »

The music management code is being revised at the time of writing, so what I say here will probably not be valid for UQM after version 0.62.

1. Where should I put credits.ogg?
credits/credits.ogg, like in the 3DO music package.

And is it possible to have the game use the .mod files for the special circumstances for which there are no (and probably never will be) remixes for? (for example, the rebellious Yehat and star base at low power) If so, where would I get said tracks, and would they just be put alongside the .ogg files in the proper folders in the remix packs?
If the alternate track is missing, the normal one will be used (e.g. if no Spathi Home music is available, the normal Spathi music is used). If no .ogg is available, the .mod is used (which always exists in the base content package). Note that add-ons add to the install standard content packages, so you don't need to duplicate anything from them.

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Zebranky food
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Re: Help me with my Cobbled Together Remix Pack.
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2008, 11:36:05 pm »

Ah hah ha, I forgot that the .uqm files are are actually just disguised archives. That makes finding the right location for the various tracks muuuuuch easier, thank you.

So, as for the other stuff, after looking through the files in the 3DO and base content packages, there don't seem to be separate tracks for Fwiffo and the low-power Star Base. Am I very confused about what tracks exist, or am I just looking in the wrong place? (that first option would certainly explain why the older versions weren't playing in the first place  Tongue )
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Re: Help me with my Cobbled Together Remix Pack.
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2008, 05:41:57 pm »

So, as for the other stuff, after looking through the files in the 3DO and base content packages, there don't seem to be separate tracks for Fwiffo and the low-power Star Base. Am I very confused about what tracks exist, or am I just looking in the wrong place? (that first option would certainly explain why the older versions weren't playing in the first place  Tongue )
SC2 doesn't have alternate tracks for these contexts, so there are no alternate tracks in the UQM packages. UQM does, however, support the use of an alternate track. The normal track is used if no add-on containing an alternate track is used.

In the UQM 0.6.2 source, I see AlienAltSong assignments for:
  • Starbase commander: if radioactives not provided comm/comandr/comlowpw.ogg replaces comm/comandr/comandr.mod
  • Starbase: starbas.ogg: comm/starbas/starbas.ogg always replaces comm/comandr/comandr.mod
  • Yehat rebel: comm/rebel/rebel.ogg always replaces comm/yehat/yehat.mod
  • Utwig: with Ultron comm/utwig/utwigult.ogg replaces comm/utwig/utwig.mod
  • Spathi homeworld: comm/spahome/spahome.ogg always replaces comm/spathi/spathi.mod
  • Spathi ship: when talking to Fwiffo comm/spathi/spafwiff.ogg replaces comm/spathi/spathi.mod
Note that "Starbase commander" is Hayes before you control the starbase, and "Starbase" is Hayes after the two-week "reconfiguration" to let you use the starbase.

Note also that if 3DO music is selected, a .ogg file with the same name always overrides the corresponding .mod file (and vice versa in PC music mode), making the exact sequence (in 3DO music mode): alternate .ogg (add-on only), alternate with specified extension (usually .ogg, thus has no effect), normal .ogg (in 3DO music pack if installed), normal .mod (in base music pack, always installed). Also, files in add-ons override the corresponding base packages.

RTFM = Read the fine manual.
RTTFAQ = Read the Ur-Quan Masters Technical FAQ.
Zebranky food
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Re: Help me with my Cobbled Together Remix Pack.
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2008, 09:10:53 pm »

So I'm guessing that the Yehat remix hasn't been released in .ogg format then? (since it hasn't been mentioned here and I can't find it anywhere else)

And that the Utwig voice pack is no longer available.  Sad

EDIT: Err, nevermind, I can change .mp3s into .oggs on my own, heh.  Tongue
« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 09:26:04 pm by Ohma » Logged
Valaggar Redux

Re: Help me with my Cobbled Together Remix Pack.
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2008, 03:29:17 pm »

If you had posted the question regarding Lance_Vader's Utwig voicepack in General Discussion, I'd have seen it sooner. As it is, I apologize for my late answer.
Yes, the voicepack was no longer available, but I just re-uploaded it, and here it is: version without effects (better IMO), version with effects. You might get to see a new version of it in the future (with a more depressed, possibly more old-sounding, pre-Ultron voice), but L_V is apparently very busy with setting up his own studio at the moment.
Zebranky food
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Re: Help me with my Cobbled Together Remix Pack.
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2008, 02:56:58 am »

Hey thankyee-sai!  Grin

And I was just going to start dealing with the whole Druuge/Utwig/Supox situation in game too, what a pleasant synchronicity.

And that Yehat remix rocks when it's playing in-game! I can't wait for the (hopefully soon) completion of the Syreen remix.
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