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Topic: Are Star Control 1 and 3 any good? (Read 14180 times)
Are 1 and 3 comparable to 2?
Also, can you only get 1 and 3 on teh compujter?
Zebranky food

Posts: 28

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
1 and 3 are computer only, as far as I know.
I really liked one, though it is a very different game from SC2. It's a war-strategy game, with the same tactical system as SC2, and it covers the Hierarchy War (the war that everyone talks about in the game). Neat game, I wasted hours on it. Any chance of a SC1 remake, you guys?
SC3 is not nearly as good as SC2 (though I still think it was a better then average game). Basically, they listened mainly to the fans that didn't like flying around in Hyperspace or Resource gathering, and so you left without much to do other than fight and talk. There is now some research and colony mangement, but they don't add much to the game. Getting fuel is a pain (rather then buying it, you have to wait for it to accumulate). Also, a lot of the story additions are either not well thought out or are truely wierd. Some of the new races are good, I think, and the puppet-work was decent. I actually played this game first and then played SC2 (I got the collecters edition with all 3), and then 1!
Any, those are my opinions -Will
Zebranky food

Posts: 30

I believe SC1 is also for the Sega Genesis, although that version is different. I should try getting it, there's a place near to me where they have a few copies for $10 or so.
The thing that I remember about the Sega Genesis version was that the sound was AWESOME. I played that version before any other Star Control game, and it ruined them for me -- the Adlib sound support in SC1 was embarrassing by comparison (no offense intended, TFB guys) and the MOD format only supports samples of around 8kHz, so none of the melee ditties in SC2 have the really thunderous bass that I remember from the Genesis version.
Then again, memory is a funny thing; I could be completely wrong. Nonetheless, I always thought it would be cool to "beef up" the ditties and make them sound worthy of modern audio hardware, but it is beyond my meager capabilities. Maybe I can rope one of my musician friends into reproducing them from scratch with higher fidelity.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
SC1 and 3 are both fun games in their own way, but they're not as great as 2. Still, they're definately worth playing.
I played SC1 on a Genesis emulator... I agree that it's definately louder, but it's not better. I never liked the sound on Genesis games much at all really. It never sounded as good as the PC or SNES.
SC1 for the Genesis is pretty good as far as simple strategy games go. It isn't the holy grail of simple strategy games but it comes close. The spinning star map is too clunky, for one thing.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 150

Star Control 3, for those of you who don't know (which isn't many, I imagine--it's a topic of much debate), was not produced by the creators of the first two games, Fred Ford and Paul Reiche III. Accolade latched onto the success of the Star Control franchise without really knowing what to do with it, and were trying to phase those two out of the equation, so that they wouldn't have to pay them royalties anymore. SC3 was created by Legend Entertainment, a group of Star Control fans who happened to be the highest bidder. Think of it like a fan-created sequel. It doesn't hold up to the standard that the other two games set, but it's interesting to see how they answer the questions posed in the other games. It's generally accepted that the way the story goes in SC3 is NOT how the creators intended, so it's treated more like a fan fiction than a sequel.
At least, some people treat it that way. Others treat it like a travesty, but I think it was quite a good game--even if it doesn't live up to the others.
SC1 came out on the PC, Genesis (with expanded full game senarios), commodore 64 (with the mycon on the alliance) and something else. Go to for more information. I've been trying to get my old copy of SC1 to run in windows, but if I run it straight it runs at like 3000x speed, and if I use dosBox it runs a 1/4x speed (spartan mode). Is there a way to fix it?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
If the mycon were with the alliance, then who did the hierarchy get?
The one thing that bugged me about SC1 was that when you found precursor upgrades they just went on the ship. So you could get, say, a battery regeneration upgrade on a Shofixti, or even worse, an Umgah (regerates whole battery at once even without the upgrade). Why wouldn't you let me bring the this upgrade over to my Terminator so I can shield for as long as I want? Just seems silly, though it does simplify play (you don't end up shuttling upgrades around - you just use them).
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
And i preffered it that way, death_999 I would have hated it, if my friend would have come down with his evershielded Terminator. Thus none had a choice.
And only this way neverending battles could have been avoided because both sides made their ships perfect).
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I meant it didn't make sense. I didn't mean that the game would be better. However, some upgrades would not be so unbalancing. And if they were implemented right, even the energy upgrade on a Terminator wouldn't be too killer (e.g. by diminishing returns, so you would actually be better off putting it on, say, an X-form or even a Cruiser, which don't have so much power to begin with)
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