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Topic: News spot/SC map/Nutsack (Read 2471 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

I'm full of ideas regarding my eventual entry. I plan to include an image along with a compelling recommendation to have the next SC follow closely as possible the game play capabilities of the Frontier Elite series. Braben's latest endeavor Elite 4 will most likely prove to be vapor ware. All other games in the genera: Independence War, X1 2 3, Colony Wars, X-Wing, Freespace, Wing Commander, Etc. all have fallen short of the gamers lust for a truly open ended and realistic space simulation game. Nearly every forum of the afore mentioned games contain countless posts of people saying things like: "Why can't I land on any planets?" "Why can't the transition from ground to space be seamless?" "The scale is totally unrealistic!" "Why doesn’t planets gravity affect my ship when I'm out in space?" There are a plethora of space games out now that boggle the mind with endless menus and tedious game play elements that don't truly hit the mark. Good graphics are not enough. Imagine a totally revamped 3D Starflight, with SC and Elite game play characteristics. Done correctly the game could become legendary! Perhaps I’m nuts. A fool can dream, can’t he?
Anyway, I'm sure that if there is to be another Star Control, we can kiss the top down 2D game play goodbye. 3D is the future.
I dunno. It could be either an unlockable, or a playable option. Especially for us old farts that loved that classic style of playing. As for story mode, I'm not sure.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
Well, having gone all that way to convince Activision to let them make it, they could, in a fit of spite, make something like SCnot3, isometric battle view and MIDI music included.
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