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Topic: The original PC HyperSpace music... (Read 5600 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 13
Hi folks. Wanted to share a little story with you. You may wish to point and laugh at certain intervals.
I first played UQM a couple of years ago, and always had the 3DO music on by default. I'd heard a couple of the original DOS tunes by chance (the battle theme and one of the orbiting tracks I think) and thought they were okay given their age, but I preferred the 3DO tunes and couldn't be bothered comparing them all to the originals. People who said "PC music is best!" were probably speaking out of pure nostalgia, I thought.
Anyway, I adored the 3DO HyperSpace tune in particular. Hitting the edge of the solar system by accident, spiralling up into that crazy red dimension for the first time and hearing that exuberant 3DO "let's go explore the galaxy!" tune remains a memorable moment for me.
Last week I downloaded the Project6014 demo. I experienced a timeout while trying to download the music, and my little USB stick connection threw a tantrum so I couldn't retry. Oh well, I thought, I might have got part of the file and it seemed to be installing OK, so let's give the game a go anyway.
I loaded it up, entered HyperSpace and was confronted with a lovely soothing tune. Phew, I thought, seems I got some of the music at least. Must be one of those Precursor remixes I've been hearing about. It was a real chill-out earworm and I kept finding myself humming it at work (whereas in the old days it'd be the 3DO version stuck in my head).
Fast forward to tonight. I was idly looking up reviews of UQM on YouTube (there's a good short one by 'Jam Enslaver' by the way, although he doesn't like the combat for some inexplicable reason... possibly he was traumatised by the evil zigzaggery of Slylandro Probes?)
As I browsed, I kept stumbling onto 'classic video game music' uploads that sounded like the HyperSpace remix used in Project6014. Except they kept saying it was the 'original' music. What was going on?
Suspecting that some Umgah out there somewhere was having a good chortle at my expense, I loaded up UQM, switched to PC music for the first time ever, restarted, and entered HyperSpace...
Good God.
It wasn't a remix after all.
Project6014 must have been unable to find the proper demo music and defaulted to the PC file.
I'd been listening to the original DOS tune all along.
And it's gorgeous.
I mean, I still love the 3DO version too, but... good God. No wonder everyone raves about it. It's still playing in my head as I type this. In fact I think I'll go grab the headphones again before I hit 'post'.
Er. That's all, really. Just wanted to share the love.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
My favorite remix is the 're-enter' mix, which makes no changes except to improve the sound quality of the samples.
So yeah. And I did LOL.
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
At least the 3DO Hyperspace music sounds a lot like the original. As far as I can tell, the 3DO and PC Quasispace tunes are entirely unrelated. The first time I heard the 3DO version I thought someone had mislabelled a track.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
This is one of the funniest things I've read all day. It's especially good cause I could just see what was going to happen the moment you mentioned the changed music, making your reaction all the more amusing. Kudos to you.
Zebranky food

Posts: 13
My favorite remix is the 're-enter' mix, which makes no changes except to improve the sound quality of the samples.
Hmm, where I can find that one? I'd love to hear it. EDIT: Never mind, I found it on Lukipela's link. Thanks 
At least the 3DO Hyperspace music sounds a lot like the original. As far as I can tell, the 3DO and PC Quasispace tunes are entirely unrelated. The first time I heard the 3DO version I thought someone had mislabelled a track.  Same thing happened to me, except the other way around, unfortunately. I'm too used to 3DO QuasiSpace now, so the PC theme sounds bizarrely wrong to me. Oh well.
You know, it'd be great if UQM included an option to pick the version for individual tracks rather than the whole soundtrack. You could set up your game so it plays PC Hyperspace but 3DO Battle, for instance. (I know you could do it by moving the actual files in and out of the folders, but it'd be nice to have the option in-game.)
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 06:54:49 am by Tamnosynth »
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