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Question: |
Frequency of play (AI or PvP)?
All day long...I can even translate for the ORZ |
Once a day out of habit. I can quit when I want to. |
A few times a week to stay sharp |
Off and then On again real heavy. |
Off then On again every once and while |
Only a few times a month |
Almost never (...but then why are you here??) |
Only when I'm drunk or stoned |
Topic: How often do you play melee on average? (Read 3034 times)
Veep Neep
Zebranky food

Posts: 7
It's hard to narrow a poll like this down to even 8 options which is too much from a survey point of view, but had to add a couple to be cute. 
Anyway, it'd be nice to guess at the addictiveness of the game...and survey results and metrics are one tool to get business folks interested in projects...and curiousity too.
Other question would be how active Melee players are there out there? Unfortunately, that will be a difficult question to survey accurately.
Posts: 802

I usually play at least daily , thre-four full groups . Vs the A.Cyborg .
Veep Neep
Zebranky food

Posts: 7
an upgraded AI would be one of my favorites to see as a new project.
I'm sure it would be a crap load of logic and code, but one that has a few different modes for different types of opponents...such as a Chmmr that pillboxes or an Androsynth that automatically blazers the Orz.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 199

Arena regular
A few times a week. In the later part of week, mostly drunk (just worth mentioning, there was something about drunkess on that poll!). It is usually either me, Shiver or EP who plays with newcomes arriving to the channel.
I almost never do anything with the cyborg. When net melee was first introduced I played that quite heavily every couple days. The novelty has worn off, but multiplayer is still entertaining enough for me to pop in every once in a while. I'm writing a guide on the subject so that sometimes forces me to check the arena for playtest opponents.
It is usually either me, Shiver or EP who plays with newcomes arriving to the channel. I am not in the arena anywhere near as often as I used to be. We need more members on the welcoming committee.
an upgraded AI would be one of my favorites to see as a new project. Good AI is supposedly the hardest thing to code. I wouldn't expect something like that to appear anytime soon.
Veep Neep
Zebranky food

Posts: 7
I wouldn't mind working on the logic, but unless it's in VB I'm not much of a coder.
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